
Sunday 16 December 2018

Sunday Workbench 16 December

Yeeps! Just 4 days (and this evening) left before the Challenge kicks off!

I've received some more goodies this week:

Resin urban bases and scatter pieces plus some MDF scenery from TT Combat

Some bits and bobs from SnM Stuff. I probably won't assemble the Mercs until after the Challenge, but they were cheaper than most other places.

Over the past few days I have got more prep and priming done:

15mm Kra'Vak - to be primed tomorrow

15mm WW2 Soviets

28mm WW2 Aussies (Artizan) and some "survivors" which are now pinned on resin urban bases

28mm wolves, 10mm buildings and two Cruel Seas S-Boots

At the moment I don't have any more prep to do* and only the Kra'Vak and the cargo ship to prime. That means I should be able to take a break for a few days ahead of the Challenge.

*until some other orders come in


  1. lol

    Every wargamer in the UK must have at least one cruel seas E-Boat
    Epic as ever Tamsin ;)

  2. A heart breaking amount to paint!

  3. Looks like a a good amount of work in your future. Great start.

  4. Super good looking prep work, Tamsin, and I'm especially pleased to see some Kra'Vak on your tabletop, as I'm hoping to pick up some tips from you for when I paint mine.

  5. Good pipeline of porjects for the Challenge, you'll be the undisputed queen of the competition this year. I'll be interested in your comments on the Vallejo water texture when you use it

  6. You really are the Duracell bunny aren't you! I am still building little tanks....

  7. I hope you have a crate of red bull to get through all of that!

  8. Still, when I blur my eyes I see biscuits/cookies.

  9. @ Fran - they're 28mm

    @ Geordie - you're probably right about that :)

    @ Peter - I don't know about heart-breaking, but it's certainly a lot :)

    @ Chris S - yes indeed, lots and lots of figures and models to paint :)

    @ Blax - cheers! The Kra'Vak may or may not get painted during the Challenge - it all depends on how other projects go :)

    @ Benito - thanks! I'd prefer to be the Princess rather than the Queen ;)

    @ Herkybird - that's definitely true when it comes to the prep work; whether the AAAs will last for the painting is another matter ;)

    @ Brendon - cheers! :)

    @ Paul - nah, just lots of coffee ;)

    @ Whisk - you always have food on your mind lass! :)
