
Friday 30 November 2018

Friday Workbench 30 November

This week has mostly been spent prepping, sorting and getting on with household jobs that I had kept putting off.I have been doing a bit of painting alongside everything else though.

This week I have got these painted:

They're a bit too small for Gaslands/Car Wars (although they could be used at a pinch) but would work well for 15mm.

I've also started work on these (they just need highlighting):

On the prep side, earlier this week I got this beast assembled:

That's 30" of shipping goodness from TT Combat.

Today I've started putting together knights and cavalry for my War of the Roses army:

That's the horses done today, tomorrow I'll start work on the riders. And then I'll have to work out what infantry the force needs made up, so that I can plan any purchases.

I'm hoping for a couple of dry, non-windy days in the coming week so that I can spray prime a bunch of MDF kits (including that ship).


  1. You can never have enough cargo containers!

  2. soooo

    go on

    tell us, what are the cargo containers for.....


  3. or I could just read what you said in your blog.


  4. The first picture underneath all the cargo containers- what are those?

  5. "work out what infantry the (war of the roses force) needs". Bowmen. And then some more Bowmen. All the Bowmen. And you still won't have enough.

  6. Very realistic cargo containers... so good that We smell the sea wind on our face !
    Bravo Tamsin !

  7. @ Fran - indeed! And I do have a few more to add to them :)

    @ Urban Bunny - a classic case of CLWC incompetence there Simon ;)

    @ Asmo - the ones I'm painting at the moment? Assorted stowage/stores :)

    @ Dave Sell - I do have a lot of bowmen already, although not based specifically for ADLG. I might well add more though :)

    @ L'Empereur - merci! Although I might have gone a bit heavy with the rust effects on some of them :)

    1. Hi Tamsin, rust effect is perfect!😎
      May I write... that stowage are probably enought light... may be because protect by cargo containers!😉

  8. Love the weathering on the containers!

  9. Nice spread of progress across a couple of genres. The painted stuff looks good. I like the MDF ship, that’s cool. 😀
