
Wednesday 20 December 2017

Challenge Day One Without Me

Today is the first day of the Challenge and it's without me. At the weekend I withdrew, which wasn't an easy decision. I had been looking forward to taking part once again, but recently my fatigue levels seem to have been going up. I could only see them going up still further if I was taking part, so I decided to withdraw before it started and let someone else take my place rather than having to withdraw part-way through.

Anyway, despite withdrawing I will be following everyone's efforts and cheering them on.

So, I'll leave this post by wishing all those taking part this year the very best of luck in achieving and exceeding their targets.


  1. Hey Tamsin - I am really sorry to hear the news. You will be so very much missed by all your friends. I know you'll get rid of the fatigue, and we'll all then be much encouraged by your cheering from the sidelines. We will still miss you though...

  2. You'll be missed. I hope you are receiving whatever treatment you may need (even if its just more sleep)

  3. You will be missed Tamsin. I was looking forward to being inundated with badger sandbags every Wednesday!

  4. Oh... wow! I don't know quite what to think! I sincerely hope you feel better really soon Tamsin. I can imagine how hard a decision that was. You will be sorely missed!

  5. A wise decision!
    However--It may be fun to try and paint as you would for the challenge and see how you would have done, you can always stop if you get knackered! But do what you think is the best, your health is far more important than painting figures! (You can burn me as a Heretic tomorrow!)

  6. Good call. You are prolific anyway, without the added pressure of a challenge.

  7. The Challenge this year will be a bit dimmer without your presence but any decision that puts your health first is always the right one.

    I do hope you feel better in the future and hopefully we can grab dinner when I'm next in London

    Have a great holiday!

  8. You'll be sadly missed amongst our ranks this winter...but health has to come first! Hope you feel better soon.

  9. I hope Christmas isn't too taxing for you and you get some rest.

  10. Hope that you're feeling better very soon Tamsin. Enjoy the break and take the opportunity to recharge and enjoy everything else.

  11. All the best Tanmsin. Managing fatigue can be very tricky so take it easy. Merry Christmas and enjoy watching the madness unfold.

  12. Need to look after yourself first and any added stress has got to be a bad thing!

  13. You will be missed Tamsin but no doubt you have made the best decision to put yourself and your health first - all the best!

    And as others have noted, you paint shed-loads of stuff even without a Challenge...

    Looking forward to seeing you in the comments - be well!

  14. You are missed Tamsin. Nonetheless, I look forward to seeing you on the roster next year.

    Take care.

  15. Health first, hobby second, my friend. Take care of yourself and enjoy the respite. Just remember: you still paint about ten figures to every one that I get done.
