
Sunday 5 November 2017

Sunday Wor... Oh, Finished: 15mm Ming Chinese Spear & Bow Unit #2

Another Sunday and no WIPs to show you. But fear not because...

...I've completed another unit this evening!

This is the second spear & bow unit for my Ming Chinese army. These will be the compulsory "poor" unit for FoGR. What I'd forgotten (and probably won't bother to change now) was my plan to signify "poor" troops by using the same muted colour for coats and hats. At least I remembered not to do a different colour for the trim!

And some close-ups:

Next up will be some more generals, followed by the second spear & crossbow unit.

Most of the order I placed last week with Timecast has been shipped and I expect the postman will drop them off tomorrow. Typically, the handgunners (which I need to make a "legal" army for FoGR) are one of the packs on back-order.


  1. Great work and the banner really sets them off.

  2. Excellent Scum! Nice paint job...again! --Your poor opponents will treat them as guards if they don't know better...

  3. Great looking addition to the hordes!

  4. @ Michael - thanks! :)

    @ Miles - cheers! :)

    @ Dannoc - thanks! It sounds as though I picked the right banner :)

    @ Herkybird - I'll just have to hope none of them read your comment and realise my cunning plan ;)

    @ Paul - cheers! :)

  5. Another great addition to your forces.
