
Friday 13 October 2017

Finished: 15mm Korean "Pikemen" and "Swordsmen"

I actually got a bit further with the Koreans last night than I'd anticipated, which left me with just the drybrushing and flocking to do this evening. And here they are:


In ADLG, the bulk of Korean melee infantry are classified as "mediocre pikemen" rather than medium infantry with two-handed weapons that they are in FoGAM and FoGR. This does make them tougher, but slower and less manoeuvrable.

Doing the basing texture was a bit more awkward than with the Ming Chinese as the figures are quite crowded on the bases. I was using a syringe with a wide-bore needle to apply the paint/PVA mix but decided after a couple of bases to thin it down a little. Big mistake - that meant it wicked up through the sand making it stick much deeper. Lesson learned for when I do the next batch.


In ADLG the elite melee foot are "heavy infantry swordsmen two-handed weapon" - tough, slow but not as unmaoeuvrable as the pikemen.

This weekend I'll crack on with another Ming Chinese unit, probably the "red hat" horse archers.


  1. Great painting and the bases turned out well.

  2. Fine looking Choson Government troops.

  3. @ Bill - thanks! :)

    @ Dannoc - cheers! :)

    @ Dean - thanks! :)

    @ Ray - cheers! But I don't advise eating them! ;)
