
Sunday 13 August 2017

Proof of Life

Errmmm, yes, well...

So, my re-emergence onto the blogosphere back in June proved to be very short-lived. Well, I'm back now and hopefully I won't disappear again. Let's just put it down to me getting sidetracked by DVD box-sets, playing some wargames at the club  and not having any mini painting to show off.

At the club, we're now into phase 2 of our ADLG competition - anything AD (or CE if you prefer) so long as it doesn't have heavy knights. I've opted for the Yi Korean list as it gives me a chance to get those yous out on the table. Unlike the FoG lists, the Korean foot is in separate bow/crossbow and melee weapon units, the latter being "mediocre pikemen" rather than medium foot heavy weapon. I might have to order a few more packs of Korean infantry to represent them properly (12 figures on a 40x40mm base) but for now I'm just using two bases of medium foot (6 figures!) for each element.

I've played three games so far - the first two were against Ottomans and were fairly close losses. My third game was against Teutonic knights and was a close win. I've got pics of the two Ottoman games and will post AARs this week (hopefully) but I forgot my camera for on Thursday so no write-up of that game. I've got another game on Monday and Thursday, against more Ottomans and then Ghaznavids - I will remember to pack my camera for those.

I have been doing a little bit of painting this weekend, some additions to my Koreans. They're almost done now - I just need to ink wash and drybrush the bases, matt varnish them and add some static grass. Here's a WIP pic to keep you going:

Yes, some medium and heavy artillery, some light pieces as "regimental gun" markers for FoGR and two spare cannons. The artillery crews and light pieces are Grumpys (ordered from Eureka and picked up at Salute); the heavier pieces are (I think) Blue Moon and were excess from my Buccaneers project.


  1. Good to see you back! You know you can do posts of the games you play with pictures of your excellent miniatures :-)

  2. Good to hear all is well..

  3. Great to have you back Tamsin. Always good to see what you've been painting :-)

  4. It's always nice to see you post, Tamsin; no matter how long (or short) the intervals. Enjoy!

  5. She stirs! Good to see you back posting.

  6. Glad you're still with us. I thinking the other day that it was a long time since I saw anything from you.

  7. Nice to hear from you. My hobby output is approximately zero so you're way ahead of me!

  8. Like many, I'm sure, I did wonder where you'd got to. Pleased to hear all is well.

  9. Come off it, you can't leave us hanging like that! So what were the DVDs, anything worth watching? :)

  10. Nice looking units. Getting plenty of games in then bravo!

  11. Well we were starting to worry! Good to have you back Tamsin.

  12. Sorry I must this yesterday but good to see you back on here. I've not been reading blogs as much as I should but my motivation is coming back. So keep it up. 🤣

  13. Nice to see you are well and wargaming happily!

  14. Very nice additions to your Koreans - I like the naval carriages.

  15. she's alive. Knew there was something missing. Welcome back

  16. Thanks for the warm welcome back chaps!

  17. Good to hear you're still live and kicking Tamsin!

  18. I, too, have just come back from the other side of the beyond. I tried a couple of times over the past year, but now I have a new found passion for ImagiNations that had been smoldering for a couple of decades. Glad to see you back online.
