
Friday 24 March 2017

AHPC7 - The Round-Up (lots of pics)

The dust having settled from the weekend's tornado of entries, I guess it's time for me to do a round-up post. Let's start with a pic of everything I painted:

Updated to add links to the posts on the main Challenge and Bonus Theme Round blogs

Entry 1 - Baaa!


These 28mm sheep were just a quick entry on the first day to get myself on the scoreboard.

Entry 2 - Grav Vehicles


These 15mm grav tanks and APCs were my entry for the first bonus theme round "Armour"

Entry 3 - Ancient Nubians


A complete army for ADLG painted and based in a little over a week!

Entry 4 - Huzzah!


The first of my SYW Russian entries were these 36 hussars, representing the Novoserbskiy and Slavianoserbskiy regiments.

Entry 5 - Daughters of the Revolution


Some lovely 28mm minis from Bad Squiddo Games (Annie rocks!). These are only the second batch of WW2 figures that I've painted.

Entry 6 - Choson Korean Irregulars


These figures from Old Glory 15s max me out for Righteous Army and peasant levy troops for FoGAM and FoGR. They were my entry in the second bonus theme round "East".

Entry 7 - Cossacks!


This wild bunch were a mix of SYW and Napoleonic Cossacks from Essex. I will be adding some more Cossacks and some Kalmuks to my SYW Russians at some point.

Entry 8 - Horse Grenadiers


More SYW Russian cavalry, in this case the last two regiments of horse grenadiers - Kargopolskiy (green flag) and Rizhskiy (yellow flag).

Entry 9 - SYW Russian Infantry, Artillery and Wagons


This was quite a big entry - four infantry regiments, two artillery batteries with limbers and 4 wagons with fusilier escorts.

Nevskiy; Pskovskiy; Riazanskiy; Sankt-Peterburgskiy
The infantry were the first four of eight regiments I painted up this Challenge.

Entry 10 - Crew of the Lady Sarah


Some lovely 28mm sculpts from Pulp Miniatures. This crew will be a smuggler gang for games in Salutesville - now I've just got to buy a ship for them, build a dockside area...

It seems that the tattoos I freehanded on two of them were very popular.

Entry 11 - Choson Korean Regulars


This entry comprises enough front rank bases for me to field 14 units rather than 6 - great for any civil war campaigns or for very big Imjin war battles.

Entry 12 - SYW Russian Cavalry and More Infantry


Another two infantry regiments - Kazanskiy at the front, Lazodskiy in the middle row; the cuirassiers are the Prinz Fedorovich (or Altesse Imperiale) regiment - the last of the regular cavalry regiments that fought in the SYW for my army.

Entry 13 - Well, Would You Believe It? Still more SYW Russians!


The last two infantry regiments - Bjeloserskiy (orange flag) and Kegsgolmskiy (yellow flag) plus some generals.

You'll probably be pleased to hear that these end the SYW Russians for the Challenge!

Entry 14 - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme!


My Curtgeld entry. This year we were asked to produce something in collaboration with other Challengers. I was in a group with DaveD and JamesM. Originally we planned to do a bunch of gladiator gaming figures, including some lions but for all of us time ran out and we only did the lions. This is a 28mm figure from Wargames Foundry. I called him Parsley after the character in a certain children's TV programme.

At some point I'll finish painting up the gladiators (and Emperor) to complete the set that we'll be sending off to Curt.

Entry 15 - Postie's Lair


I had great fun writing the text for this entry. The original plan had been to paint them in normal full colour, but after doing pre-highlighting with the airbrush I switched to a Sin City type chiaroscuro effect - greyscale with a colour accent.

This was my very last entry of AHPC7. If you're wondering about the sandbags, well they're to indicate that "Ray Woz Ere".

Phew! That took a while to type up. Let's doa bit of summary.

Foot - 590
Horses -20
Mounted - 116
Guns - 2
Limbers - 2
Wagons - 4
SciFi Vehicles - 6

Animals - 4
Foot - 34

In terms of overall points, this was my second best year; also in terms of points per week (AHPC5 was my best). I probably could have got close to beating my AHPC5 result, or even beaten it but after my father died I spent quite a bit of time away and didn't feel much in the mood for painting. I'm in a much better mood now and looking forward to hitting the paint table again shortly.

Some big surprises this year - no 6mm, no spaceships and hardly any SciFi.

This year was the biggest Challenge so far - it seems to keep on growing. We had 96 participants who achieved a total of 83,200 points of submissions - that's 867 points per participant. Just under 10% of the final points tally was submitted in the final 48 hours - that was a crazy weekend for those of us helping Curt out with minioning them. The scores ranged from a modest 5 to a whopping 4125. I got pipped from 7th down to 8th place in the very last hours.

Once again it was great to take part. Some of the entries were simply magnificent in quality, quantity or both. Some were absolutely bonkers (in a good way!). The sense of camaraderie was as strong as ever, with the usual encouraging and mickey-taking comments.

If you fancy taking part in this great event next time, keep an eye out on the Challenge blog (link at the top of my right-hand sidebar) around the end of October/beginning of November.


  1. "Impressive" output is an understatement. Your high productivity is beyond description. Well done!

  2. You have had another wonderful challenge Tamsin and to see all your efforts like this is awe inspiring - well don you.

  3. Awesome challenge this year from you

  4. Wow, great work Tamsin. Such amazing output in terms of both quantity and quality

  5. That's more than I manage all year and all of a very god standard. Wow!

  6. Really very impressive Tamsin - Great stuff!

    Wonderful to share another challenge with you :-)

  7. Blimey that's an impressive total, congrats.

  8. What a wonderful output whether for a competition or not! The female Russian soldiers were particularly nice to see especially since I just bought two squads myself. The grouping of figures from Pulp Figures could also be used for things like a Kong Island game or even as a riff raff militia for an Operation Sea Lion game. Once again, well done and best wishes on an outstanding overall job.

  9. What a horde! Congratulations on another impressive year!

  10. Amazing that you can paint so much quantity and quality- the ships crew and cossacks are my personal favourites.



  11. Goodness that's an impressive lot of work! Very nicely done indeed.

  12. Very impressive! Well done .

  13. Fantastic effort! Very impressive numbers and quality :) My favourite would have to be the ADLG Nubians in a week! Followed closely by the Bad Squiddo Russians, what great figures!

  14. You,ma'am, are a veritable painting machine! I envy your dedication!

  15. That's a whole lot of wee fellows!

    Holy Makerel I love the camo on those grav tanks!

    Is there a reason there is different colours on the sheep's butts...? Just curious.

  16. Sheep often have dye added to help prevent theft.I imagine that is what the colours are.

  17. Huh! I had no idea! But now that you mention it, it seems so obvious. Thanks!

    1. Actually, it's got nothing to do with theft. When they turn the rams out with the ewes, they strap a harness on with a wax marker, then change the colours every week - it helps them to determine when the ewes are likely to drop their lambs. Or sometimes they just use a different colour for each ram to indicate which one is the sire of the lambs

  18. (now I have to go repaint all MY sheep!!)

  19. Excellent stuff and a wonderfully eclectic bunch. Well done.

  20. @ Jonathan F - cheers! :)

    @ Michael A - thanks! :)

    @ Martin C - cheers! You had a great year too :)

    @ Norm - thanks! :)

    @ Da Gobbo - cheers! :)

    @ Paul R - thanks! :)

    @ Paul O'G - cheers! Good to have you with us for it again :)

    @ Ubique Matt - thanks! :)

    @ Jerry - cheers! The merchant crew may well get used for other types of pulp games :)

    @ Gordon - thanks! :)

    @ Pete - cheers! It's called being single and not having a social life! ;)

    @ Dai - thanks! :)

    @ Rodger - cheers! :)

    @ Chasseur - thanks! I had fun painting both of those submissions :)

    @ Herkybird - cheers! :)

    @ Tim - thanks! The vehicle camo was done using stencils from Anarchy Models and airbrush :)

    @ Dartfrog - cheers! :)

  21. Wow! Stencils?! on a 15mm vehicle!? That is amazing! I'm learning all sorts of new stuff from this one post!?

  22. Very, very impressive. I struggle to get going with painting so I'm in awe of your dedication! I especially liked Parsley the Lion...I can see a whole Watch with Mother inspired collection emerging!!

  23. What a fabulous effort. Well done Tamsin!

  24. Awesome work Tamsin, you did yourself proud!!

  25. Wow! Great job! Give your brush hand a short rest before your next effort to reduce the lead pile!

  26. Most impressive... (Darth Vader voice).

    I've been making things, but my painting output never seems to keep up with what I can assemble. Probably because I love making models up and doing conversions.

  27. That's a very impressive output - the 500+ foot alone would alone have had me in awe.
    You Russian army must be very substantial now - colour me jealous.

  28. I marvel at your ability to do it all, and so well! Now to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Cheers and good luck in all your games with your new figures!

  29. A lot of excellent work! Congratz!

  30. @ Tim - yup, they're low-tack vinyl stencils. Very fiddly, but the results are worth it :)

    @ Alastair - thanks! I think Parsley is going to be a one off [and he isn't for my own collection!] :)

    @ Simon Q - cheers! :)

    @ Ray - thanks! :)

    @ G Thomas Fitzpatrick - cheers! I am taking a bit of a break :)

    @ Ashley - thanks! I seem to acquire (and assemble) faster than I can paint - my plan is to slow down on that front this year :)

    @ Zabadak - cheers! The Russians are definitely pretty big now, with more to add :)

    @ Monty - thanks! :)

    @ Michael K - cheers! :)
