
Tuesday 28 February 2017

AHPC7 - Challenge Day 70 More SYW Russians WIP 8

Ten weeks in and twelve submissions totaling 1936 points - that's what I call productive!

My twelfth submission got posted earlier this evening:


Today has been quite productive. First of all, I drybrushed and flocked the bases of the cuirassiers and infantry, photographed them and submitted the post.

After that I cracked on this afternoon and finished the generals, popped them off the painting sticks and glued them onto bases:

Then I got out the airbrush and primed a few figures - my contribution to the Curtgeld (I'm in a team with Dave D and James M):

This evening I've made a good start on the final two* infantry regiments:

*for now - there are still thirteen regiments left to do to complete my ambition of having every regiment that fought in the SYW.

I've also started work on a little project:

This will be for the final bonus theme round "Characters and/or scene from a Movie/Television show/ Book or Piece of Music". Which may or may not feature the Curtgeld figures. It will have some Salutesville figures. I'll leave you guessing.

I've got tomorrow off work as well, so I should be able to get the infantry finished.


  1. You have had a brilliant challenge so far Tamsin, as for the final submission my money is on Gladiator or Life of Brian!

  2. Great looking Russians Tamsin! I'm intrigued by the last pic???

  3. Days off from work, those are the best!

  4. @ Michael A - thanks! Close, but no cigar! :)

    @ Ray - cheers! You'll have to stay intrigued until the big reveal :)

    @ Whisk - they are indeed! :)
