
Friday 24 February 2017

AHPC7 - Challenge Day 66 More SYW Russians WIP 5

I've got a bit of a cold and I'm feeling rather drained, so progress on the Russians hasn't been as fast as I'd have liked this evening:

I have got them to a point where I should be able to finish them tomorrow night or Saturday afternoon, but I don't think I'll be able to get the other two regiments done in time for submission on Monday - they'll have to wait for the following week. I will get the generals done though.

Last night I popped the cuirassiers off their painting sticks and glued the officer, standard bearer, drummer and six troopers onto bases (the other two troopers will be going on bases with generals):

I also forgot yesterday to post a pic of some goodies I received through the post:

Some more stencil sheets from Anarchy Models. If you're wondering about the "loose skulls", if things go to plan, you might see what I've got planned for them in a couple of weeks time.


  1. Sorry to hear that you are not feeling a 100% Tamsin, there is a lot of it about at the moment.

  2. Good progress on the Russians and hope you're feeling better soon

  3. @ Michael A - thank you! That does seem to be the case :)

    @ Neil - cheers! :)
