
Monday 6 February 2017

AHPC7 - Challenge Day 48 Lazy Sunday

Well, not totally lazy. I did finish off the basing on the SYW stuff, photograph it, submit the post, do my laundry, go to the supermarket, catch up on the washing up, cook dinner (liver, bacon & onions with mash - hearty food for a winter day), clean my brushes before the next painting extravaganza...

But I haven't done any painting today. I did make a start on the Koreans last night - the horses have been basecoated and washed and the bases have been, err, basecoated:

I've got five evenings and a whole weekend to get them finished and submitted so they should all get done in time. My plan is to work on them in small batches - I should be able to fully paint 24 in an evening. The command bases and the unit officer bases might take a bit longer, but that's what the weekend is for.


  1. Got more done then I did. I only managed to varnish six horse and riders and stick some staff officers to their bases.

  2. @ Simon Q - well, it ain't a liquid one! ;)

    @ Paul R - ahhh, but you're not trying to paint 2600 points of figures in 13 weeks like me :)

    @ Ray - a plan maybe, but whether it will work is another matter ;)
