
Saturday 17 December 2016

The Figures What I Prepped

Well, 'tis the season (for repeats of family favourite TV shows) and most of my UK readers should recognise my homage to the late Ernie Wise in this post's title. But enough blather, this post is to show off everything that has been prepped and primed so far in readiness for the Challenge.


6mm ACW:

Mostly cavalry, some artillery and generals, plus casualties and gabions.

28mm stuff (and some 15mm):

Some WW2 Soviet women, some sheep, a whole bunch of gangs and civvies for Salutesville and some of the Raging Heroes "Jailbirds". Not to forget a trio of 15mm grav tanks and a trio of grav APCs.

15mm SYW Russian cavalry, generals and wagons:

15mm SYW Russian infantry and artillery, plus Three Musketeers, friends, enemies and collateral damage civvies:

Sorry for the blurry pic - red are Russians, black are Three Musketeers

15mm Nubians:

I'ms till waiting for another 48 bowmen to arrive.

15mm Choson Korean regular and irregular troops:

15mm Mongols:

This last pics is of a box containing the first of my 15mm sea Peoples to arrive (all prepped) and some figures received today from DaveD for our Curtgeld submission - I'll prep those tonight.

Phew! What a lot of stuff to paint! And what a variety! I haven't done a points count of them, but it should be over 3000 points worth with the Sea Peoples when they arrive, more if any get entered for bonus rounds. I don't expect to paint them all and at the end I will take pics to show what has been painted and what remains.

In terms of my personal priorities (but not necessarily painting order - the Bonus Theme rounds could mean stuff gets painted earlier):

1. Nubians or Sea Peoples
2. Sea Peoples or Nubians
3. 15mm SYW Russians
4. Mongols
5. Raging Heroes
6. Soviet women
7. 6mm ACW
8. 15mm SF armour
9. 28mm pulp
10. The Curtgeld group

If I excel my expectations by a huge margin and all this gets painted, I do have lots of other lead, plastic and resin in the pile that can be prepped, primed & painted.

Wish me luck!


  1. Wow you have been a bust girl, I will try and get a prepped shot of my stuff tomorrow but to be fair a lot of my prep is left over from 3 years ago

  2. I have no words... I plan to paint a quarter of what you show in any photo... Curt should create a special category just for you ;-)

  3. Jeeez louiz that is a whole bunch of stuff to get through Tamsin. Good luck with it!!

  4. Perhaps we need a kick-off award for most prepped lead?

  5. Good luck . Sure you will be knocking it out. The Prep and Chat sessions have certainly been productive!

  6. Ye gods Tamsin better get those paint brushes fired up. Good luck

  7. I hve complete faith in you getting through that lot in record time.

  8. Wow look at it all! I thought you'd come close to finishing "those Russians" (Queue final line of Bonny M's Rasputin)already! Looking forward to seeing the Bibicals.

  9. That's a lot of toys! Good luck!

  10. @ James B - yup, I have been busy :)

    @ Anibal - some of us do paint a huge amount during the Challenge, others paint less. It's all about personal achievement and not everyone has the same amount of time to dedicate to painting :)

    @ Da Gobbo - cheers! It is quite a lot, isn't it? :)

    @ Millsy - maybe, maybe ;)

    @ Francis - thanks big fella :)

    @ Dave D - cheers! You've got quite a bit prepped and primed too :)

    @ Dannoc - thanks, but if you don't mind I won't get my brushes anywhere near flames! ;)

    @ Zabadak - cheers! I reckon I should get through about two thirds of it without much problem - it's the other third which will be a stretch, but it's good to set high targets for yourself :)

    @ David C - this lot will see the last of the Russian regular cavalry, the start of the cossacks and the infantry taken to 2/3 of the regiments that fought in the SYW. the Biblicals will be fun to paint, particularly the Sea Peoples :)

    @ Rod - definitely a lot! Thanks! :)

  11. Lots to do so it's.... goodnight from me....and it's goodnight from him. cheers
