
Sunday 6 November 2016

Sunday Update

I actually got a reasonable amount done today. I did the camo scheme tests on the choppers and also added Milliput to the bases of some of the Salutesville figures.

Camo Scheme Tests

I decided to take a few pics at each stage, just to show you.

Basecoat with first stencils added

Close up on the stencils
I used a mix of clean and previously-used stencils

After mid-tone

More stencils added
 After the mid-tone I used a mix of the medium and mini stencils.

After the light tone but before removing stencils

Stencils removed

Close-up to show the different size hexes

Another close-up

I think both colour schemes work well. However, When I do them for real I think I'll use the mini-hexes over the base colour (and a lot more of them) and a mix of mini and medium hexes over the mid-tone (and a few more of those).

As I noted earlier, I also added Milliput to the bases of some of my Salutesville figures:

Fifteen down, another 55-60 to go! Once the Milliput has cured on these, I'll be carving it. I'll be doing the figures in batches every evening this week.

I've also done some priming this evening. I've made up a mix of the red primer with thinner and flow improver in a dropper bottle. I've got one batch of SYW Russian infantry done and will be doing the next batch shortly. That will be half of them - the rest will get done tomorrow evening if all goes well.


  1. Interesting to see the camo step-by-step.
    Looking good!!!

  2. Interesting bit on the stencils - they work really well. Great effect.☺️

  3. Cool progress
    The heli camo is awesome
    Think it would break me
    Shades of WWI German Aircraft Camo ;)

  4. the hex camo is fab, looks really cool

  5. The utensils look great - even if you did have to use your secondary airbrush :-)
    Great chatting on Google hangouts!

  6. That's some rad camo work. Cheers

  7. Fabulous work on that Camouflage Tamsin, well worth the effort.

  8. Nice to see the various colours in the camouflage. I am sure everyone will have a different favourite. So which ever you select some one will love it.

  9. @ Remco - thanks! There are much better videos showing how to use them on YouTube - look for Anarchy Models channel :)

    @ Dannoc - cheers! I'm pleased with how they've worked :)

    @ Geordie - thanks! They are a bit fiddly to use and you need to be careful taking them off to avoid scratching your new paintwork! :)

    @ Martin - cheers! :)

    @ Derek - thanks! :)

    @ Paul - it's my secondary for priming, not for detail! Nice chatting with you too :)

    @ Brendon - cheers! :)

    @ Michael A - thanks m'Lord. The effect is worth the effort :)

    @ Clint - cheers! I'm thinking of using the blue/grey one for my ESU Naval Infantry, but maybe changing the lightest blue-grey shade with an off white :)

    @ Lee - thanks! :)

    @ Roy - cheers! :)

    @ Francis - thanks big fella :)

    @ Paul R - cheers! :)
