
Monday 13 June 2016

SYW Russian Generals Day Two

As predicted, I got the painting finished this evening, the satin varnish on shiny parts is drying and I've dabbed water around the figure bases to help loosen the PVA holding them onto the painting sticks. In a while I'll take them off the sticks and glue them onto bases.

That means that tomorrow I'll be able to add basing gunk to all of this batch - the generals, hussars and cuirassiers. Then on Wednesday evening I can drybrush the gunk and do the flocking and tufting and the batch will be complete.


  1. You always seem to get something done and blogged. These are mighty fine looking chaps.

  2. Excellent painted figures! Can't wait to see them based!


  3. @ Michael A - thank you m'Lord :)

    @ Hobbyworker - cheers! :)

    @ Clint - not always, but often enough to make it look that way ;)

    @ Peter B - thanks! You need wait no longer :)

    @ Peter D - cheers! :)
