
Friday 3 June 2016

Fiddly Progress

It's Friday and I didn't want to do a lot of painting. Last night I got the brown and black washes done. So tonight I decided to do the fiddly black stuff - jacket lace, swords, leather belts, carbine metalwork, scabbards and the border on the shabraques. Of course, looking at the pics I took, I spotted that I'd missed the border on one side for one horse. I've just gone back and painted it.

I've got a lot of areas to go back and touch up before the next steps, but that was inevitable. Tomorrow should see me finish the painting if all goes well.


  1. Great work Tamsin, I do love Essex minis!

  2. These look fantastic - I'm most impressed!

  3. Really love the bright colors you have used for these figures! Great progress!
    PS: painted some pirates as a test. I show them later on this week!


  4. @ Neil - thanks! :)

    @ Ray - cheers! I quite like Essex too :)

    @ Michael A - thanks! :)

    @ Miles - just wait until they're finished! :)

    @ Peter - thanks! The bright colours are what these chaps wore :)
