
Saturday, 30 April 2016

Russian Grenadiers Day Five

I had intended to do Day Three and Day Four posts, but the last two evenings saw me finishing my painting sessions rather late. I did finish painting them last night and varnished them this morning. At the moment they are sitting in a shallow bath of water to help ease them off the painting sticks - the PVA I've been using lately (Wilco own brand) seems to be particularly strong. Once they're off, I'll be supergluing them into position on the bases, ready to take down to my Dad's where I'll be doing the basing.

Anyway, pics:

In other news, yesterday I got a call from a club member urgently needing my help. One of their FoG:R team for Campaign at Milton Keynes has had to drop out and I was asked if I could step in to cover them. Foolishly, I agreed. Which meant having to work out an army list and get it submitted last night. The theme/period I'll be playing in is "Armies, Allies & Enemies of France 1485-1525" - I'll be taking my Swiss. "Fantastic, lots of pike keils" I hear you think. Errmm, no - for this tournament you can't have any more bases of superior/elite troops than you have average/poor ones. With all the average/poor Swiss troops being light foot and light horse that means I can only take three keils. However, to supplement them I've opted for the Milanese Occupation list which allows me to take a whole four bases of average Milanese men at arms.


  1. Excellent final result! The flags look great to!
    You are really pushing me to those 1/72 Grenadiers! Maybe I start some next week as a test. :-D


  2. It may have taken a few days but the results are worth the wait.

  3. It may have taken a few days but the results are worth the wait.

  4. Those figs are fantastic, good luck in the tournament

  5. Fantastic. I look forward to seeing them based. Good luck next weekend!

  6. Very nice indeed. Gotta love a big man in a big hat!

  7. Light at the end of the tunnel, nearly there Tamsin.

  8. The Grenadiers look the business. Hope we get a report on Campaign

  9. @ Peter - thanks! :)

    @ Clint - definitely well worth the wait and the time spent painting them :)

    @ Martin C - cheers and I'll need it! :)

    @ Natholeon - thanks. You need wait no longer - the finished pics are up now :)

    @ Millsy - cheers! So, is that why you wear the GIMP outfit - to attract big men in big hats? ;)

    @ Michael A - thanks! And they're done! :)

    @ David C - cheers! There will be a report on Campaign, but I don't know how detailed it will be - there are 5 games to play and I haven't played FoGR for a while so may be concentrating too much on the games to take pics :o

    @ Whisk - :D
