
Saturday 31 January 2015

Challenge Day 58 - What The Little Red Card Brought

This morning I made it to the sorting office to collect the parcel:

Some people have suggested that the Salutesville Police Department's approach to taking on the city's criminal gangs is a bit heavy handed. Others have suggested that they might want more than a heavy machine gun to take on Postie's mob. These reinforcements could be proof of the former or ease the mind of those in the latter camp.

Just so you know, Salutesville's finest are taking delivery of a Lanchester 6 x 4 armoured car and a Vickers Mark II medium tank.

Update on the NSL Panzer Grenadiers

Just after midday I gave the bases a coat of PVA with brown ink to seal the sand/grit. I then set them aside for a few hours to allow the PVA to dry. I've just finished the second step of dry-brushing, leaving one more dry-brushing step and the flocking. They will go in tonight.

No pics of them today as they are very nearly finished.

Starting my Wars of the Roses Project

While the PVA/ink coat was drying on the NSL, I set about assembling my first batch of WotR figures. I've stuck them three to a 60x40 base for painting. Later on tonight they will get primed and I'll start painting them tomorrow.


  1. You are going to love painting those Perry plastic WotR figures! I enjoyed doing mine!

  2. I'm still resisting Perry WOTR. Or trying to. But maybe a little retinue for Lion Rampant...

  3. Like Ray the WOTR figures interest me. You are very eclectic in your tastes and it is a joy to watch such collecting as it is always a surprise what will come next.

  4. There are very few things in the world better than a package from Mark Copplestone...

  5. Thats tons of stuff. How do you do it! Looking forward to seeing those armoured cars being painted up.

  6. Of course the police need tanks. But aren't you worried that this will start an arms race with Postie's mob?

  7. @ Herkybird - I am enjoying painting them up. They are very nice figures :)

    @ Dux - yeah, just a little retinue will be OK ;)

    @ Phyllion - err, yes, a tank. I thought it showed a bit of restraint on the part of Salutesville's Chief of Police only buying a smallish one ;)

    @ Ray - at least some will be submitted for this weekend coming :)

    @ Clint - I'm definitely not a one-trick-pony; my interests are pretty varied. Mind you, it was only the availability of these plastics that allowed me to do WotR in 28mm :)

    @ Millsy - it ranks way up there alongside packages from GZG, Baccus, Pulp Figures... :)

    @ Simon - yes, lots of stuff. Should keep me busy for 2 or 3 weeks ;)

    @ Michael P - fortunately the Mayor and local industrial interests have committed serious resources to the Police Department, so they should have no trouble winning the arms race ;)
