
Friday 30 January 2015

Challenge Day 56 - The Little Red Card...

...of frustrating excitement and exciting frustration.

Yes, one of those "we tried to deliver but it was too big and nobody was in" cards. I know what it is - some items for the Mob Wars project. I'll have to wait until Saturday to collect it though.

Since getting home from my game of Gruntz I have applied gloss varnish to visors and other bits that need to be glossy on the NSL panzer grenadiers. That leaves me in a good position to get all the basing texture added tomorrow, then to finish the basing on Saturday for a big points boost.

I've also started work on my next entry, which will be a unit or two (maybe three) for my Wars of the Roses army. Lunchtime today was spent detaching bits from the sprues. I'll be doing some more sprue-cutting tomorrow, then at the weekend I'll get the first unit(s) prepped and primed.

Did I mention I've got Monday and Tuesday off work? If I crack the whip I may even get those units finished by Wednesday.


  1. In Australia we call those "I'm too effing lazy to walk up your drive" cards :-)

  2. I love little red cards. Like a wrapped pressie on Christmas Eve - unless you can't get to the sorting office anytime soon then it's like a wrapped Christmas pressie in October!

  3. That's what I need, a few days off to get some serious painting in!!

  4. @ Millsy - *lol*

    @ Mike - yup, it can be annoying having to wait ages until you have free time to collect the package

    @ Ray - you do indeed ;)

    @ Ian - go where? ;)

    @ Michael A - yes indeed! :)
