
Friday 16 January 2015

Challenge Day 42 - Starting 6mm ACW

This evening has seen me:
1) Varnish the cops
2) Glue the drivers/passengers into the cop cars
3) Start work on the next project

Yes, onto the next project, which is my 6mm ACW armies. I'm starting with a test batch of 4 bases of Union infantry.

I've come to the conclusion that the blues I was using for the jackets and trousers are too light, so the rest will be painted using darker shades. For these, I've darkened them with a wash of cobalt blue ink. That will need a while to dry, so I probably won't get anything more done tonight.

Tomorrow evening will see me make a determined effort to finish painting them so that I can get the basing done in time to submit them on Saturday.

With hindsight, perhaps I should have just done two bases-worth as a test batch - that would have been just enough for me to overtake Ian.

So, with another hour or so before I go to bed, I guess I should do some work on the cops' vehicles to ensure that they are finished in time!


  1. Great stuff Tamsin. Looking forward to seeing your finished Cops :-)

  2. 6mm Smurfs, just need to paint their hats white and you're there! :D In all seriousness, I'm sure you'll turn these into more stunning troops to add to the tally.

  3. This I will be watching with interest asd 6mm ACW is one of my hope-to do things for this year. Keep us posted on what colours you use and what results you get, please.

  4. Good to see you back with proper scale figures ;o). Looking forward to seeing these completed.

  5. Tamsin

    I've been using dark Prussian blue for coats (although this would have been better if i'd not undercoated in black and sky blue with cobalt wash for trousers for my union figures and it works very well. In 6mm the 2 tone effect should be pretty good

  6. I think you could get away with a darker blue dry brush of them, that would tone them down.

    I am looking forward to seeing them when you have them done.

    I have done little painting this week as work has left me in a lot of discomfort (real work for a change) but I should get a submission in on Tuesday ;-)


  7. I've not seen a lot of 6mm ACW. It seems a good scale for the period. Interested to see how you go with these...

  8. I once saw a stunning 6mm ACW game - looking forward to seeing yours!

  9. @ Blax - photos will be taken and posted today :)

    @ Michael A - they do look a bit like that right now ;)

    @ Thomas - Once I've settled on colours, I'll definitely post them on the blog :)

    @ Peter - I haven't painted 6mm for over 3 years, so it's going to be interesting to say the least :)

    @ Martin - I was going to try Intense Blue or Dark Prussian Blue on the next batch. It might be worth keeping the sky blue/cobalt wash for the trousers - I was going to try Medium Blue.

    @ Ian - sorry to hear that work has put you in discomfort. Hope it clears up soon :)

    @ Millsy - it does seem a good scale, which is why I went for it. Although I think I might need to get some 2x reading glasses to help with getting the paint in the right spots...

    @ Phyllion - ACW in 6mm can look superb. I've seen a few games which all looked spectacular.
