
Monday 12 January 2015

Challenge Day 39 - The Final Russians

As promised yesterday, no WIP pics, just a load of photos of the final four regiments of my Seven Years War Russian army. I was quite surprised at myself, managing to finish all four in a week.

But enough blather, on with the pics.

Arkhangelovskiy Regiment:

Astrakhansky Regiment:

Chernigovskiy Regiment:

Novgorodskiy Regiment:

With a close-up of the flags to finish off:

I might do a review of the whole army later this week.

Cops WIP

I did manage to get the uniform base coat done last night, but left it at that. This evening I have done the rest of the base coats. It shouldn't take me too long to finish them now - one more evening might do the trick; two at most. That will leave me a couple of evenings to do some test bases of 6mm ACW figures.


  1. Well done finishing these, they look striking, but I'm sure I'm no the only one that would like to see the entire army en-masse.

  2. Looking forward to some 6mm ACW. I need to repaint and base my old 6mm ACW so you may inspire me.

  3. That's an awful lot of Russians! Tremendous achievement Tamsin.

  4. Very impressive work! Quality in quantity...! :) Cheers!

  5. That's a lot of painting you've managed to do in a week! Impressive stuff!

  6. Quantity and quality, really impressed with what you have achieved this week


  7. Really great looking units. Cheers

  8. Really impressed Tamsin, they look awesome.

  9. Wonderful brushwork Tamsin and at a cracking pace too.

  10. @ Zabadak - You will get a chance very soon. I do have some pics of them all together, but I might wait until the 22nd when I can get them on the table, formed up for pics :)

    @ Clint - once the cops are done I'll be making a start on the ACW :)

    @ Michael A - and these are just the start! Glad you like them :)

    @ RMacedo - cheers! :)

    @ Samuli - only 72 figures ;)

    @ Ian - thank you! It was a hard push to get them done, but I'm glad I managed it :)

    @ Brendon - cheers! :)

    @ Peter - thank you :)

    @ Millsy - nowhere near the cracking pace that you manage to turn figures out at :)
