
Monday 5 January 2015

Challenge Day 32 - 2nd Moscowskiy and Apsheronskiy Musketeers

Before I get onto presenting my eighth Challenge entry, I'll give a quick update on my WIPs.

I've finished painting the second batch of musketeers. They've been popped off the sticks and glued to their bases.

I'm debating whether to add the basing gunk tonight, or wait until later in the week when I'll know if the next batch are likely to be completed.

Speaking of which, I've started work on the third (and last) batch.

I should be able to make a bit of progress on these tonight, and I'm still off work tomorrow, so should manage to get them close to finished. With sessions on Wednesday and Friday evening, I might manage to complete them in time for my Saturday posting slot.

Challenge Entry #8 - 2nd Moscowskiy & Apsheronskiy Musketeer Regiments

These netted me a handy 74 points on Saturday, which was quite pleasing as I hadn't expected to finish them in time.

2nd Moscowskiy Regiment

Apsheronskiy Regiment

Close-up of the command groups to show off the flags.


  1. Lovely stuff Tamsin. I really like these SYW minis you;re painting at present. Really nice stuff... and you're posting quicker than I can keep up with too clearly :-)

  2. Great additions, you just keep producing at a rate which, like Blax, I can't keep up with

  3. You' keep a nice steady pace and keep them coming. You're doing a cracking job on those flags!

    Did you notice that you're not far from rolling into 300,000 pageviews? Go, go, go!!!!

  4. Lovely work there Tamsin and rather striking uniforms

  5. Did you steal the can with red paint from Ray! If the answer is yes: job wel done! :-D
    Excellent painted minis and flags!


  6. Very nice Tamsin - a great force you have coming along.

  7. @ Blax - sad to say, Saturday will be the last time you see them on the Challenge blog (and Sunday/Monday here) for a while as I'm painting the last two units now. :)

    @ Zabadak - cheers! I'm maintaining a much higher pace than I expected at the moment. If I can keep it up, I might exceed my output from last year's Challenge. Or it could compensate for a slowdown later on if I want to take a break :)

    @ Anne - thanks. The flags have been interesting to do. And I have indeed noticed that 300K is approaching fast. :)

    @ Francis - thank you :)

    @ Petal - they are rather spiffy uniforms :)

    @ Peter - nope, I haven't burglarised the budgie-smuggling Badger's red paint supply ;)
    I'm glad you like them :)

    @ Steve - cheers! :)

    @ Neil - thanks! :)

    @ Dannoc - it will be a rather lovely army :)

    @ Ray - thank you! :)
