
Tuesday 23 December 2014

Challenge Day 19 - Korean Warrior Monks WIP

Well my good gentlefolks, work is finally over for 2014. Today was the last day for the break, and it was very quiet in our office due to most of the people we look after having already naffed off. As a result I was able to get some painting done during the day while waiting to see if any emails actually came in.

Just as well - after work I had a couple of pints with colleagues and promptly crashed out when I got home. No painting for me tonight. I've decided that I will take the figures away with me to paint.

As this will be my last post for a few days, here is a pic of them as they are now:

Have a great Christmas everyone and may Santa bring you lots of lovely shinies!


  1. Happy Christmas, Tamsin. Happy break, too.

  2. Merry Christmas - Enjoy you time off!

  3. Have a great break and I hope Santa brings you as many if not more shinnies that/than you deserve. Have a good one mate.

  4. Have a great Christmas break


  5. Merry Christmas Tamsin and ha pyy new year. May Santa bring lots of "Must haves"

  6. Merry Christmas Tamsin. I hope you get your stockings stuffed with lots of shinies!

    Lovely job on the monks so far ;)

  7. You should take a break so the rest of us can catch up.;)

    Merry Christmas.

  8. Quiet day ! it's been manic here and everyone has left whilst I'm waiting for a courier to turn up - I think the original driver buggered off home to. Oh well it's quiet now.
    Happy christmas.

  9. Merry Christmas Ms. P! Cute little buggers aren't they.

  10. Merry Christmas Tamsin and they are lovely little blighters there
