
Friday 9 May 2014

I Guess It is Long Overdue

Well, the time has come.

I could no longer put it off.

No more delays.

So, without further ado.


*balloons released*

*another drumroll*

Yes, it's finally time for me to do the prize draw that I promised a long while back when I reached 500 posts, then again when I hit 200,000 page views. And now I'm at 500 followers.

As there are 3 milestones to celebrate, there will be three lucky winners of one of these 28mm gangster figures painted by me.

The Rules

1. You must be a public follower of this blog
2. You must leave a comment indicating which your order of preference for your prize figure should you be one of the winners
3. The draw will close at 2100 GMT on Friday 16 May 2014
4. There will only be one entry per person. No bonuses this time for promotion, poetry, jokes, etc.


  1. Count me in girl, I need some cronies for my figure and A,C,B,D please!

  2. Well done Tamsin, keep up the great work! PS. No fig for me thanks, I'll leave em for folks who dabble in that particular genre :-)

    1. Hey, you want on offer you can't refuse?

  3. Count me in Tamsin, I like the green one.

  4. Hmm, I feel bad a bit as I don't comment on your blog much (I know all about the korean pirates, though :D :D), but I could always use one of those. No preferences, but if I'd have to choose, D by far the most awesome :D

  5. Me too Tamsin - figure A for me (if I'm lucky) the green two piece does it for me, along with the tommy.

  6. Well done and count me in Tamsin. ABCD for me please.

  7. Ayah go on than....CDBA!

    Congrats on the various milestones..

  8. Congrats on the multiple milestones!! Please put me down ABC and D!

  9. Wow, those are very good milestones. Good on you.

  10. Big congrat's Tamsin, those are very impressive stats that you and your blog have achieved. I would be proud to have any one of them,so ABC or D for me please.

  11. Congrats! Enter me for AC or D! Hell, I may as well throw another C in there! ACDC!

  12. Please count me in. All the figures look great so I don't have a preference

    Very impressive blog stats and they are very well deserved

  13. Congrats on the well deserved milestones Tamsin!
    My pref is for fig A, aka "Tommy Gun Tony", please :-)

  14. Excellent figures. Well done on the milestone. I like fellow with the pistol.

  15. Count me in, twice! I will go for A. :)

  16. A very kind offer but alas not figures I can use at present so I will decline. But BIG congrats on the Milestone.

  17. Congratulations Tamsin, good milestone. Count me in!

  18. Replies
    1. I didn't even know it was possible to mis-spell 'ahhh'

  19. Congrats, Tamsin! Well done :-D

    No miniature for me though, as I am not in that particular genre^^ But thanks for the offer!

  20. This is obviously an offer I can't refuse.


  21. Congrats on all accounts. A, C, B, D. I'm not copying Fran!

  22. All entries so far recorded

    @ Markus, Mathyoo, Dannoc, Paul, Chris and Justin - you might want to indicate some other preferences in case you're a winner and the one you've indicated has gone to one of the others

    @ Lee - you haven't indicated any preferences

    1. any one they're fantastic. So A,B,C or D should cover it - thank you Tamsin

    2. My other preference is...whatever isn't taken. I'm flexible about such things, aside from other things, but in THIS thing, I am easy. Well, not "easy," more like amenable, but not BENDABLE.

  23. Congratulations, well deserved milestones. ADCB is my preference.

  24. Bravo Tasmin! ADCB is my order of preference :-)
