
Saturday 26 April 2014

Paint Table Saturday #25

One thing I had intended to do after the Challenge was to reorganise my painting desk. It's taken a while to get everything together, but today saw the final pieces arrive so I cracked on and rearranged everything this afternoon. It was also a good opportunity to chuck out some of the crap that had accumulated.

I'd found I was running out of space in the Stanley Sortmaster I was using for my paints, so I took a look on Amazon and ordered myself some nail polish racks - a 3-tier and two 7-tier. The 3-tier one will be kept on the desk to hold the paints that I'm currently using as well as some odds and sods.

I also bought a couple of stick-on LED lights (the ones for putting in cupboards) from a pound shop. These will be fixed to the underside of the shelf and will hopefully improve the lighting for my photography.

Last week I posted pics of the gangster figures that I'd just primed. I finished painting them a couple of days ago, but some needed a little bit of touching up before they are varnished.

I'm taking a break from painting today, but will hit the brushes again tomorrow. This time I really will resume work on the pirates buccaneers!


  1. Very tidy and well organised...... I am sure that's a sign of madness! It does look like a serious set up now.

  2. A Paint table really professional job.

  3. Excellent set up Tamsin. My painting is let down by ruined tendons in hands, no paint station and complete lack of focus!!!

  4. That's so clean and organised. Now how long will that last? :0)

  5. Very well organized. Its also inspirational, I will take time to actually organize and clean up my area... Well, I'll at least think about doing it... :)

  6. Those gangster figures are AMAZING! Nice work, matey!

  7. A spot of spring cleaning eh and I love the new paint rack, what a great idea Tamsin.

  8. Wow so sorted. My paintdesk (o.k. my whole hobby space) look more like Flandern fields 1916....but hey a genius has an eye for chaos (or is simply to lazy for cleaning the rubble)
    Nice work on the Gangsters.

  9. Looks very organised Tamsin the gangsters also look great!

  10. Great idea for the paint rack there Tamsin and I'm loving those gangsters

  11. Thanks for the comments everyone.

    It might be a sign of madness to some, but having a clean, organised work-space does help me a lot.

    As for the nail polish racks for paint storage, it was something I'd seen several other painters using. Tipping the racks onto their back so that the paints are stored on their sides was my own idea.

    @ Anne - probably not too long, but when it starts approaching chaos it will get returned to this state.

    @ Michael A - more tidying than cleaning :)

    @ Drax, Markus, Willie and PK - glad you like the gangsters, they were fun to paint!

  12. That's tidy! Those little drawer units are excellent. It never occurred to me to have some of those on my desk. I'll have to get some!

    1. The 5-drawer units underneath the shelf are quite handy for storing all sorts of staff. I have primed figures (on A4 mounting boards), bags of figures and models awaiting prep, some tools, odds & sods....

      If you're thinking about putting a shelf or anything like that on top, you'll need something heavy on the sides to brace them.
