
Saturday 22 February 2014

Challenge Day 70 - Paint Table Saturday #16

Yup, it's Paint Table Saturday again. So, what's on my table this weekend?

A bit of a mix as it happens. At the back is my entry fee figure for the Challenge. A lot of you will probably be able to work out who it is meant to represent.

On the left of the picture are some pirate figures for the command stands for my buccaneer army, a mix of captains, standard bearers and pirates carrying treasure.

On the right are some more figures for my buccaneer army - mounted and dismounted dragoons, plus riderless horses.

Finally, next to the buccaneer dragoons are 3 mounted Mongols to make up a command stand for horse nomad allies to add to my Choson Koreans. I'll probably be doing the rest of this small force (light horse, heavy cavalry and some light foot archers) after the Challenge, but might do some of them earlier if I get all my buccaneers painted in time. The eagle eyed among you may have noticed that the rearmost figure on the stick is not riding a horse....


  1. I thinkthere will be a lot of Steiner entries ;-)

  2. Thanks for participating today Tamsin! I added your link to my blog post.
    Greetings, Sofie

  3. I'm blessed if I can see what other than a horse that figure is riding.
    Your table looks very neat, considering that it works at levels that would shame must factories. :)

  4. Nice variety of miniatures to keep you busy Tamsin :)

  5. Hola
    Buena mesa de pintura
    Atento al final
    u saludo

  6. Oh well done Tamsin, a Cross of Iron reference!

  7. @ Seb - hopefully not too many. I'm relying on people thinking it was too obvious and opting for another character ;)

    @ Sofie - thank you :)

    @ Michael P - it has 4 legs, isn't a horse and clearly isn't an elephant, but is rather smelly. There have been several examples of these entered into the Challenge

    @ Simon - yup, variety is the spice of life as they say

    @ jd - thanks :)

    @ Michael A - indeed, indeed

  8. A good reminder that I should give Curts figure some attention again.
    Camel to the rescue.

  9. These Saturday Paint Tables are fun.
