
Sunday 1 September 2013

Of King Arthur and the Korean Guards

Yes, it's been a few days since my last post so shoot me! However, before resorting to your guns, do read on as you'll see that I've been fairly busy.

King Arthur

On Monday I was pleasantly surprised to discover I'd won a prize draw. Dan Mersey had randomly drawn a winner from his followers for having gained his 100th. It was me! On Wednesday my prize arrived so I am now the lucky owner of his book "King Arthur" from the Osprey Myths and Legends series. It looks like it will be a cracking read.

Thanks Dan!

Thursday Night's Game

I played a 850 point game of FoG:R against Clive on Thursday - my Swiss against his German States, so lots of pike-on-pike action was expected.

It was a pretty even match-up, but Clive had better dice than me, so I lost 22-3. The fact that his army had 4 guns which annihilated one of my pike keils wasn't very helpful for my cause. It was a fun game though. I'll post an AAR once I've had a chance to go through the photos.

Prepping Pirates

I've been taking pirates into work to prep them during my lunch break. So far I've prepped about 260 figures. I've still got to prep the captains, artillery and African and Asian figures (not to forget the PyRats and Skeleton crew) and bits and pieces for their camp. Once everything is prepped it will be time to glue them onto sticks for painting and prime them.

Korean Foot Guards

Progress was slow as I wasn't able to do much during the week in the evenings, but I managed to finish them over the weekend.

Various foot guard units flourished during the Koryo era, but their role diminished in the Choson era and they were eventually outlawed under the Yi military reforms, replaced by "soldiers".

In FoG:AM you can have 8 bases each of To Bang  and Tae Gak guards (equipped with heavy weapon or crossbow respectively) for both Koryo and Choson era armies. For the latter era you have a choice of guard or "soldiers" (equipped Bow*, Light Spear-Swordsmen) but can't have both together.

Painting these guards took a little bit longer than the regular foot did as I wanted to be as neat as possible when doing their vests, which add a bit of welcome colour to an otherwise fairly drab army.

Well, that's enough waffle, here are the photos.

Tae Gak Guards:

To Bang Guards:

This week I'll be trying to paint the artillery, but with games tomorrow and Thursday night and heading down to Bournemouth on Saturday for TUC Congress I doubt I'll have them finished before I go.


  1. Nice work and congrats on the prize. Seems it will be my turn to do a giveaway in a weeks time as I have a few events coming up


  2. SOme great looking minis and well done on the Prze win. You will have to post a review as I have been thinking of purchasing that book

  3. Well done on your win and my you have been busy - very impressive Tamsin.

  4. Congrats on the win and very busy Hobby week then! Looks like next week will be the same awesome!

  5. No comment about your......luck... :-p
    ...and nice miniatures...


  6. I think that Korean army looks very nice, not drab. Interesting too.

    Won another prize eh? Hmph!


  7. Very nice work on your Koreans. I've been wondering when you'd find time to get to the pirates. I'm really looking forward to seeing those.

  8. 16 bases of guards, the whole army must be coming together nicely now. Looking good from what I have seen.

    Grats on the win I hope you like the rules and get a chance to play them. Py-Rats...... not sure what they are but I have made up my own answer. More Dirty Rat than scurvy dog! Looking forward to them all.

  9. The book does sound good,you lucky girl you!!!

  10. The Koreans look great Tamsin! Congrtats on you book win too.

  11. Hi Tamsin,
    Will you or any of your gaming buddies build either a Chinese, Mongol or Japanese army of approximately the same period to give yo a "proper" opponent?

  12. What a great prize there Tamsin you'll enjoy that but bad luck with the game though. Nice Koreans too

  13. Nice win on the Arthur book. Those Koreans are looking good. Once again you are proving a source of motivation.

  14. Great looking Guards - love the green and blue vests. Best, Dean

  15. Congrats for the prize. Looks like a great read.
    I really love your Koreans. Look like a colourful army. And pleasem publish the AAR.

  16. Dear Tamsin,
    Your introduction indicates an interest in the ACW. Have you done anything with this recently? What rules do you play when you do have time for the period? Scale?
    Just curious....
    A/K/A The Celtic Curmudgeon

  17. My goodness, that is a lot. Congrats on the win.
