
Tuesday 27 August 2013

Finished: Korean Kwang Gun Foot

I actually did manage to finish these yesterday, but as the AAR was scheduled I decided to post them tonight.

These complete my Kwang Gun foot. So, here are some pics:

These archers are for swapping with the crossbowmen in two of the units I've previously painted.

The Orange foot with crossbows in the rear rank.

The White foot with bows in the rear rank.

The Yellow foot with crossbows in the rear rank.

Close up of the Yellow foot command group.

And a pic of all my Korean foot so far:

I have started work on the Guard foot, but as I'm back at work now I don't expect to finish them until the weekend.


  1. Interesting army. It is one I know nothing about. Looks great.

  2. Hi Tamsin,
    If you get HULU in the UK online you might be interested in the TV section. Apparently there is a very long TV series posted on a series that takes place in Korea and it looks like it might give you insight on uniforms if nothing else. Good stuff and it does have sub-titles for the linguistically challenged like yours truly.

  3. Celtic - thanks for the tip - do you remember the name?

    Tam - looks good. I wish they made this in 6mm.

  4. Nice looking, and unusual, Korean army, great paintjob!

  5. Wow, that army shot is impressive. How long will it take to finsihs a game with an army that size.
    The painting is very good, fitting for the nice miniatures.

  6. Thx for the pics. Look really great. Love the colors. reminds my of those great old Kung Fu historicals back in the 70s and 80s when VHS parties ruled the weekends.

  7. That is turning into a mighty fine collection.

  8. Way to go! Nice looking army. Best, Dean

  9. Very nice Tamisin. I'm interested in seeing you game with them.

  10. Very nice work there Tamsin!

  11. Cracking looking force Tamsin. Great job!

  12. thanks all!

    @ Chris S - I didn't know a great deal about them until I started planning the army. There isn't a great deal published in English about them either, although there is plenty of pictorial stuff which helps with the painting

    @ Jerry - I'd certainly be interested in that series if you can recall the name.

    @ Andrew - and that's just the foot so far (with some to be added)!

    @ Itinerant - it has been suggested as a possible range to Peter at Baccus to complement his lovely 6mm Samurai

    @ Phil - I've seen others, but mostly using the 28mm Perry range

    @ Mike - if I was to use all my Koreans so far, it would probably need 3-4 hours to play out a game of FoG:AM (and probably best done as a doubles game)

    @ Markus - I had considered doing a Sung Chinese army (inspired by The Water Margin) but opted for these instead.

    @ Michael - thanks. the collection doesn't have too much more to add.

    @ Dean - thanks!

    @ Anne - some of them have already been used for gaming back in May, but it will be fun to get them all out for a game at some point.

    @ Rodger - cheers!

    @ Simon - thanks!

    1. Hi Tamsin,
      There are at least four series carried on HULU that deal with medieval Korea:
      Gu-am Heo Jun
      The Kingdom of the Winds
      Iron Empress
      Gyebaek - This is the one I started following. Look for the first episode - there's a bloody good battle in the opening scenes.

  13. Great job Tamsin, rooting for you on the hobby bench and gaming table.
