
Monday 13 May 2013

More Plunder!

I'm really glad I'd booked today off work as I was absolutely knackered after the weekend. After a long lie-in and an hour or so of browsing blogs whilst having a nice cuppa, I headed out to the local Royal Mail delivery office to pick up a package that needed a VAT payment. It could only be one thing - my order from Rebel Minis!

The order was a mix of piratical plunder and some sci-fi bits as well.

Back row: Pirates with melee weapons; Pirates with firearms; skull rock; PyRats; Skeleton Crew
Front Row: Guns and crew; Male pirate captains (plus mermaid); Female pirate captains; native porters (from Pulp range)

Skull rock in close up. This will form the centre-piece of my pirate camp.

Gun Clerics; Black Widow Mercs; Warrior Grav Tank

Sahadeen Militia

So, that leaves just my order with Old Glory UK to come in (which includes my pirate flag ship) then I can determine what else I need to order to complete my army. I think I might get a couple more ships, just because they will look cool, not because I actually need them.

Painting Plans

Now that I've finished the main part of my Korean army, it is time for me to head back to painting a couple of other projects which got put onto the back burner.

First up are Donogh's Hasslefree minis which I'd made a good start on before the Koreans arrived.

Second up is the other outstanding Secret Project. I've still got a few bits of sculpting/modelling to do to add to the overall project and they will need painting. The main part is almost done, with just some details/highlights/touch-ups to do.

After those I think I really should finish off some of the bits for my earlier armies. I still have 60 Sarmatian lancers to paint up (their horses are already done); 12 Scythian cataphracts plus 3 more for the command stand; and a bunch of 30YW bits (limbers, regimental gun markers, casualties for cohesion markers). I'd like to get those done before I start painting the pirates up.


  1. Sounds like a perfect day to me.

  2. Neeeew....shiiiiny....miniiiiis....must resist..must resist...

  3. Its always great to get some goodies through the post!

  4. Ooooh I like that skull mountain. The deadline of your secret project is approaching and I really want to see that when it is finished:)

  5. Yarrrrrrrrr. That be booty.

  6. Sounds like a great day as well to me. Nice mini's from rebel to. That Skull rock looks brill can't wait to see that painted up.

  7. Good on you Tamsin! Sounds like a wonderful day to me!

  8. Sounds like a really great day....
    I like that skullrock...simply great...

  9. The skull rock will be a fab part of my pirates' camp.

    And I might just paint up some of these pirates early (yup, the PyRats and the Skeleton Crew - how could I resist doing them?)

  10. Love the Skull rock idea as a camp. Looks like everyone is going pirates.

