
Monday 6 May 2013

Koreans - Progress

My word! I've made excellent progress today.

Here is a pic of everything in progress:

Singi Guard Cavalry

I decided that I would, after all, do the texturing on their bases. I should be able to get the base colour and wash done this evening. Tomorrow morning I'll dry-brush the texture then in the evening I can matt spray and flock them.


I'm very nearly finished painting these. I've just got a little bit of detailing to do then the white of the clothing. Then it's wash the figures and base texture, Klear coat the figures, dry-brush the basing, matt spray and flocking.

I'll probably finish the painting tonight.

Kwang Gun Infantry

These have painted up much quicker than I thought they would. If I'm lucky, I may even be finished with painting them tomorrow night. That might even give me time to get their basing done.

Pic of Commanders and Kwang Gun infantry:

My cunning plan is to take the Kwang Gun infantry into work with me to do some work during my lunch breaks over the next day or two.


  1. Bloody hell, that is fast.

  2. Good work and modelling at work, how modern:D

  3. Competing in the Challenge has really improved you Tamisin. This is getting eerily similar to those Swiss you did. Great work!

  4. Painting? At work? I can't believe it!!!

  5. I love the really colourful cavalry!

    Hmmm... Painting at work? I'm not sure I'd get away with it.

  6. I don't get a long enough break at work to do anything like that. Everything is coming along fine and fast. As mentioned before I am really enjoying the progress. I just wish I could match the output!

  7. Cheers guys and gals! Hopefully pics of them all finished tonight :)

    As for painting at work - it's during my lunch break, and I need to do it to get them finished in time :)

  8. Amazing colours there Tamsin and for some reason the bottom photo reminds me of the Water Margin

  9. Goodness me that is impressive!

  10. WOW!!! That is fantastic progress! Lovely work too!

  11. @ Andrew - Sweet Jesus/ Nah, I'm his evil, older twin sister and let me tell you, he ain't that sweet *lol*
    I wish I knew how I painted so quickly - I could bottle it and sell it, retire on the gazillions.....

    @ PK - they're definitely colourful. Water Margin? Hmmm, I see what you mean.
    Curses - now I'll have to watch my DVD box set again :)

    @ Michael - They'll definitely look impressive on the table. However, with me as general accompanied by my usual dice luck, I don't think they will be quite so impressive in combat ;)

    @ Rodger - cheers!!!

  12. Wow looks like your making great progress, unbelievable speed as ever!
