
Monday 15 April 2013

Monday Blurb

Haha! I've spent a couple of hours on one of the Secret Projects this evening and made pretty good progress. A couple more sessions should see it completed.

Korean Levy Troops WIP Pic

I haven't done any more painting on these since last night.

Incoming Prize

When I got home from work, there was a small packet waiting for me. It contained the Mordheim figures I won in Carl's blog-birthday draw. The figures are gorgeous and when I finally get time to paint them, they should be really nice to do.

And a Teaser Pic


  1. Replies
    1. I agree with Ray...OMG...teaser pic? :-p


  2. Oh god, I wish I hadn't ruined my freebie Aenur mini all those many years ago. I shouldn't have been allowed near miniatures in my teens.

  3. Now are we going to get a different teaser everyday this week?

  4. Teaser pic is a CLEVER idea. I can see it catching on.

  5. @ Michael - nah, just today ;)

    @ Clint - feel free to steal my idea :)

    @ Ray & Marzio - could it possibly be something to do with the Secret Projects?

  6. Good progress on the Koreans, great figures for Mordheim. Struggling with teaser pic but a good idea!

    Cheers, Ross

  7. I think I need new spec's!! B%#@#@ teaser pic!!!!!!

  8. @ Ross - the teaser pic may or may not show partial glimpses of Secret Projects :)

    @ Andrew - OK, my arm is twisted. I'll take a better pic tonight to tease you with.

    @ Anne - *teehee*

    @ Rodger - yup, my fault for cropping it from the edge of another photo.

  9. The Korean army is taking shape and looking good. Is the teaser pic an ET?
