
Saturday 20 April 2013

Back From Salute - A Secret Project Revealed!

Well, what a fabulous day it has been. Warm, sunny and Salute 2013.

I'm going to split up the day into a number of posts. As I know you are all shivering with anticip..............
ation, I'll start with the revelation of one of the Secret Projects. To begin with, this Secret Project is approved, endorsed and blah-di-blahed by our esteemed Brush Daimyo, Curt.

The big reveal (and presentation) was done at the bloggers' meetup at lunchtime. After folks had been given a chance for chinwagging and comparing swag, I called for quiet, made a brief speech and presented the secret project to Ray, the Universal High Imperial King of Sandbagging. Here are some pics:

Ray pretends to be pleased with his award

"Not more photos?!?!?!"

Faster than a speeding bullet, Ray rips open the package

"My word, they are full size sandbags!"

Taken last night to show the label

Yes, a pack of 5 hessian sandbags - I was pretty sure he must have run out and would need some more for next year's Challenge!

Next Post: My Swag


  1. Now that was quick Tamsin, Ray got us lost on the way home....the sandbagger!!!!!

  2. I' m waiting for your Salute report :-)


  3. Hah, that's excellent; a good laugh today.

  4. Thanks for the sandbags!! Cheeky bleeder!!! Not sure what I'm gonna do with them???

    1. Underpants .....they make excellent shreddies....and they even look a bit like shreddies :-D

    2. I was thinking more along the lines of adult nappies.

  5. @ Fran - yup, I got the pics downloaded and uploaded quick-smart as I knew people wanted to see the Secret Project.
    And that would be "the most Royal and Majestic Sandbagger" ;)

    @ Marzio - swag next, then blogger meetup, then pics of the games

    @ Mike - today was definitely a good laugh

    @ Ray - you love them! I knew you would! *grin*

    @ Paul - now, now, don't go giving him ideas ;)

    @ Phyllion - of course, you got to the meetup after the presentation. Shame you missed it "live"

  6. A brilliant moment and a great (and well deserved) prize for Ray!

    1. a great moment indeed ;)

      I'm eagerly waiting the pics about your swag.


  7. Hahahaha-Ray must be loving the attention, you know how he is. I'm so very glad that you went and had a grand time with the boys today. Looking forward to seeing what you bought.

  8. Brilliant! You could have a second career as a personal shopper . . .

  9. Ha! Good one!

  10. I just tried them on, I think I'm scarred for life..............they don't 'alf rub!

  11. Brilliant!! Very well done Tamsin.

  12. haha methinks Ray can now build himself that shelter he needs to protect himself from everyone's mean comments.

    good present

  13. @ Lee - definitely well deserved :)

    @ Seb - you need wait no longer - my swag pics are up!

    @ Anne - I'm sure he's loving every minute of it :)

    @ Crazy Joe - you're not the first person to suggest that career option ;)

    @ Ray - you've tried them on? You mean to say you've cut holes in them? However will you be able to fill them for submission in the next Challenge? ;)

    @ Gowan - he might need a whole load more (and some sand/dirt to fill them) to build the protective bunker ;)

  14. Nice one! I suppose Ray could stitch them together to make a very fetching sarong. Steady Fran... :)

  15. @ Curt - a sarong? Hmmm, now there's an idea. Mind you, there's enough material to make a nice toga

    @ Andrew - well, business comes first I guess. Maybe next year or at another show?
