
Friday 15 March 2013

Painting Swiss Pikemen Day 12

Today I have:

dry-brushed the gunk on the rank 4 bases
sprayed ranks 3 and 4 with matt varnish
tufted, gravelled and flocked the rank 3 and 4 bases
taken a lot of photos of the whole bleedin' lot; resized them (and cropped a couple) then selected a number of them to send to Curt
written a blurb to accompany the pics
sent the selected pics and the blurb to Curt

When I decided to start these 3 weeks ago I thought I'd be pushing things to get them finished before the end of the Challenge. Well here I am having finished them and I still have 4 days left to get something else painted and sent off to Curt. The problem is that all I've got that's ready to paint are some more bloody Swiss! Can I face doing some more of them?


  1. very well done pushing through with these I just hope I can do the same with the last few SYW French bits
    Peace James

  2. One last push!

    I must say that I am amazed at the number of figures you have produced in such a short time

  3. Come on you know you can do it!

    Amazing output it has to be said


  4. Of course you can, work women work!!!!

  5. Great output. Very impressed - it's taken me 3 years to get something on my bog.

    One question though what's your gunk?

  6. @ JamesB - thankjs! Fingers crossed that you get your 7YW stuff done in time :)

    @ David - I'll definitely give it one last go. Whether I'll finish them in time is another question

    @ Ian - we'll see, we'll see

    @ Ray - 4 days, 48 figures to paint? I suppose it's do-able

    @ Dannoc - thanks! The gunk I use is a mix of acrylic modeling past (3 parts), acrylic coarse texture gel (1 part) and brown ink added until I get the colour I'm after. The ratio of paste and texture gel varies a bit between armies depending on the look I'm after.
