
Wednesday 3 October 2012

Calling All the Heroes - Paint The City Pink

Time for a bit of pimping in a very good cause.

Hendybadger over at Tales of a Tabletop Skirmisher blog is involved in running a comp to raise money for Breast Cancer awareness - read more about it here:

There are lots of great prizes up for grabs - all you need to do is paint up a Pulp City character (or other superhero/villain) in a pink theme and send it in.

The trouble is that there are currently more prizes than known entrants, so he's asked for people to get the word out via blogs, forums, Facebook etc.

On The Painting Front

Not much progress. I have almost finished the horses (just the tack to do); the dragoons have had flesh, jackets and muskets painted; the farrier has had flesh, shirt and apron painted; his assistant has had flesh and breeches painted; the artillery supplies have had metal dry-brushed and the base colour for the wood done. The very Camp Marshall has had his face painted and is sporting a lovely pink jacket over orange breeches, with a yellow belt and deep red sash.

The main reason I haven't done much painting is that work has been incredibly hectic the past few days and I didn't feel like painting when I got home yesterday. I have done a little bit this evening, but not as much as I'd have liked as I needed to rethink my Swiss list ahead of my game against Ian tomorrow night. I won't be able to get any more painting done until Sunday as tomorrow night will see me getting my bags packed for the Derby Worlds - most of the folks from our club who are going are heading up on Friday after a quick repast of tapas in Camden.


  1. I just love the Marshal, wonderful Tamsin. Have a great weekend and looking forward to hearing all about it on your return.

  2. Your camp will be a horror to attack LOL


  3. @ Ray - cheers!

    @ Michael - I'll be sure to take lots of pics and will post fun reports next week

    @ Ian - I see you've spotted my cunning plan. My opponents will be in so much horror that my camp will never be taken :)

  4. Thanks so much for the plug.
