
Thursday 20 September 2012

WIP: Andy's Painting Prize ECW Dragoons #2

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I had one of my occasional neuromuscular attacks which meant I couldn't do much with my right arm. All's well now though.

I've managed to get a bit more done on the dragoons this evening:
Horses - manes, tails, muzzles, cannons stained black; brown ink wash all over; face and leg markings done; tack and holsters painted
Troopers - belts etc painted; apostles dry-brushed; collars and painted; sashes painted on the mounted figures that have them.

This only leaves a couple of steps left to do tomorrow, then I'll do his cuirassiers.

Here's a pic:


  1. These are turning out nicely and I'm sure Alex will be pleased with them.

    Yes, I've put you in the story! You're a females knight and a companion to Lord Ray Keeper of The Wyrm. Michael Awdry is a knight companion to him as well. You have a daunting task-to save Lord Ray from his base nature and to put up with him! I wish you Godspeed!

  2. Hi Tamsin:
    Glad to hear that your arm is better today. These guys are looking really good. You do nice work in the smaller scales.

  3. They are looking good and I cant wait to see the completed.

  4. Nice looking figs, these are Fricorps I tink


  5. Hope you're OK and the arm is back in working order. Sounds scary!

  6. @ Anne - woohoo! Does that mean Michael and I are in charge of ensuring that Lord Ray doesn't release his worm in public? ;)

    @ MP and PK - Cheers! :)

    @ Ian - the foot figures could well be, but I think the mounted are Donnington (or at least by the sculptor they use for some of theirs)

    @ Phil - these bouts are probably from the underlying condition that causes my chronic fatigue. I've been having them for several years now. The duration and severity of bouts is variable, but at least the frequency is low.
