
Thursday 2 August 2012

Incoming Prize!; WIP Stuff

A little while back, Marzio over at Fog's Soldiers had a prize draw for having reached 10,000 page views. I was one of the 3 winners, and my prize arrived in the post today :)

Now, you really should head over to his blog and start following - unbelievably he only has 30 - yes, 30 - followers right now and his blog really does deserve many more than that. Go on - you know it makes sense.

Anyway, onto the prize. On opening the incredibly well wrapped package, the first thing to fall out was this lovely note from Luisa and Marzio:

Then it was down to tearing a load of plastic wrapping off to reveal a baggie with this lovely figure in it:

I think I'll have to get some decent display boxes for this and my "Honorary Reject" figure soon, so that I can put them out on display somewhere.

And a huge thanks to Marzio and Luisa for my prize.

WIP Stuff

Last night - prepped the third unit of Reiters
Tonight - prepping the second unit of dragoons
Tomorrow - prepping the second group of artillery


  1. Incredible...only two days from Italy to Great Britain...;-)
    and thank you to publicize our blog :-)

    Luisa is happy you enjoyed the Sci-Fi trooper. By the way we are awake since were watching the Olympic volleyball game...Italy 3 - Great Britain 0...

    And tomorrow it will start our convention, MiliSaona...


  2. Already follow Fog's blog and yes they deserve a much greater following.

    Nice figure, display cases now there is an idea.


  3. Lovely fig Tamsin. I'm off for a look now.
