
Sunday 8 July 2012

Prize Draw Winners!; Viking Age Palette; WIP: 30YW Red Reiters #1; WIP: Swiss Mounted Xbows #3

The draw is closed, the entries have been shoved into a spreadsheet, the dice have been rolled and the lucky winners selected.

The response has been amazing - 39 new public followers in under a week and I reached the 25k page views a couple of days earlier than I'd expected. Thanks to everyone who wished my blog a happy first half-birthday and who entered the draw.

So, onto the prizes

Prize 1 - Panzerkanonen pack - Fran of The Angry Lurker. I must admit that when I saw he was the winner I did consider re-rolling the dice - he was a winner on my last prize draw. Must be something to do with the luck of the Irish. Anyway, I didn't re-roll, the dice had already spoken.

Prize 2 - Panzergrenadier HQ pack - Mike Whitaker of Trouble At T'Mill

Prize 3 - me doing painting - Andy Finkel of Rhyme But No Reason

Congrats to all 3 of you. Fran and Mike - can you email me via the Knotactr link below the Postie's Rejects logo to let me know your addresses? Andy - we can discuss your painting at the club, here's a link to Curt's "points system" so you can have a think.

Viking Age Palette

Browsing TMP this morning, I came across a link to this post by Justin of Model Dads blog. Very useful for anyone painting up a Saga warband.

WIP: 30YW Red Reiters

I said last night that I'd make a start on painting one of the Reiter regiments. Ermmm, I've pretty much finished them - only metal detailing, touch ups, Klear/ink, matt varnish and basing to do now. I might get everything but the varnishing and basing done tonight. I decided that these guys would be the "Red" regiment.


WIP: Swiss Mounted Crossbowmen

No pics for these as there is no real difference from yesterday. I've dry-brushed the basing texture and the rain cleared for a long enough this afternoon for me to open the windows and get the matt varnish spraying done. I might do the flocking and tufting this evening, but more likely tomorrow. As they are Swiss, I think the bases do deserve some rockiness so I'll have to glue those in place first.


  1. Winner, winner, chicken dinner, thanks Tamsin I'm genuinely delighted!

    1. Again, that Irishman's a jammy git, congrats to the winners apart from Fran that is!

    2. Now, now Ray - you know that you are permitted, nay encouraged, to express your bromantic feelings towards Fran here ;)

  2. Congrats to the winners! Hopefully Fran and Mike will post up pics of their painted toys once received and we will be expecting to see WIP pics for Andy's figures Tamsin!

  3. Congratulations to the winners and to you Tamisin for gaining so many new followers. Did you and Kingsley time your posts, you both popped up on my blog roll at the same time. Keep painting!!

  4. Conmgrats to the winners and well done Tamsin for running the competition and on the blog milestone.

  5. Well done Tamsin on running this comp. Congrats to all the winners.

  6. @ kingsleypark - if Andy agrees, then I'll do WIP shots of the figures I paint up for him

    @ Anne - absolutely no coordination whatsoever. when I saw his post I knew someone would ask!

  7. Thanks for the nod :, excellent blog by the way - love the updates.

    1. Thanks Justin - glad you like this blog o' mine. I've seen links to your blog a few times in the past and it has a lot of useful stuff there.

    2. Heh, thanks. That's the wonderful thing about blogs isn't it? Choc-a-bloc full of useful goodness. Keep up the good work with the knights, you're making more progress than I am with those damned horses...
