
Tuesday 5 June 2012

WIP: 30YW Foot, the Red-Green Regiment #3; WIP: Donnington 30YW Cuirassiers #1

The Red-Green Regiment of Foot

All the painting is done, they've had their Klear/ink coat, been glued to bases, texture gunk added and dry-brushed. Unfortunately it has been tipping down, so no chance of me opening my windows to give them a spray coat of matt varnish. That will have to wait until the weather is better, after which I can do the flocking and tufting.

Donnington 30YW Cuirassiers

I've made a start on these - just the base coats: white on the horses, black on the armour.

Yup, that's right. 36 of them. It might seem a lot, but they should actually be quite easy to paint so I may as well do them all in one batch. First job will be to dry-brush the armour with Gunmetal Grey, then a thin wash of black over the top. Next job will be to do the base colours for the horses.

Other Bits:

This evening I've prepped another 12 Harquebusiers/Reiters, leaving me 12 more to do before I wash, assemble and prime them. once the cuirassiers are done, I'll do another regiment of foot before starting these.

I probably won't get much done tomorrow - I've got a meeting in the evening, so won't have time to do anything between getting home and heading out to that and I'm not sure what time I'll get home.


  1. Those red green boys are beautiful Tamsin.

  2. Is it just me, or does the commander of the red/green unit look like Santa?

    Nice work on them, and good luck with the Cuirassiers.

  3. The red and green dudes are fantastic Tamsin. Very very nice looking unit.

  4. The Red-Green regiment looks fantastic. Everything about it looks perfect - the scale, the ranking , the colours. Fantastic stuff. And then 36 cuirassiers...really looking forward to seeing those get some more paint on!
