
Wednesday 16 May 2012

WIP: Old Glory 30YW Cuirassiers #3

Well, the knackeredness is almost gone and I got some more work done on the cuirassiers this evening.

White markings on horses - socks, and facial markings (Ivory 918)
Leatherwork - bridles, reins, girths, holsters (Leather Brown 871)
Saddle-cloths, plumes, sashes (Black Green 980)
Ground colour on bases (Flat Earth 983)

I will probably do a couple more bits before bedtime tonight - eyes and saddles (where they show).

Anyhoos, here's some pixels for you to admire:

I probably won't get any painting done tomorrow evening as I have a 650pt game of FoG:AM lined up. I'm entered in the club's medieval tournament, and have borrowed a Swiss army from someone else. This should prove to be very interesting - me fielding an army with absolutely no cavalry (not even light horse)! Tomorrow night is just a practice game against Gordon's "Santa Hermandad Nuevo Castilian" army.

I will admit to being tempted to buy my own Swiss army, but that will have to wait until I've at least finished the bulk of my 30YW army.

And then there are the Koreans, the ....


  1. Good stuff
    They are coming together nicely

    Keep up with the forward progress :)

  2. Nice work Tamsin. Good luck with the game.

  3. these look already good, will it be single bases ore multiple?

    greetings Remco

  4. I'll be waiting for the batrep ;)

  5. @ Remco - it will be 3 figs/base for FoG:R

    @ Seb - you'll be able to see the end of it "live" as we're both at the club tonight

    @ all - thanks for the feedback :)

  6. Coming along nicely. Now what's the betting you play really well with the Swiss and decide that an Infantry only army is the one for you!
