
Thursday 5 April 2012

Updates, Updates

Well, not very big updates as I was feeling totally drained when I woke up this morning. I did manage to get the following done though:

Chewks, Scythians and Alans - all primed with gesso

Riders for TEDF horses - glued to horses. These consist of 36 armoured lancers and 24 "other cavalry"

Sarmatian Command groups - painted armour highlights with Oily Steel, trousers, boots and wood of lances. Hopefully I'll get these close to completion tomorrow - I might even do the base colours of the horses (tails, lower legs, ears, muzzle)

I'm a bit annoyed at feeling crap, as it meant I didn't feel like going to the club tonight. It should have been a good evening as we had a guest over from the US - historian and wargamer Dan Beattie. Oh well, some other time maybe.


  1. I know what you mean, I've been feeling pretty crap for a couple of days now.......groannnnnn!!!

  2. It´s spring!!! How can anyone feel down!!!? "the hills are alive with the.." :-D
