
Thursday 12 April 2012

Prize Draw! Prize Draw!

OK, so I started to threaten you with this a couple of weeks ago. Well, here it is - finally!

This Prize Draw was originally to celebrate having reached 100 followers, then got delayed as it was close to my birthday so I thought I'd combine the 2, but now there's a third reason - by the time I do the draw I will have reached 10,000 page views!

How To Play

If you are interested in any of the prizes, please state which one(s) in a comment to this post.
If you are interested in more than one, please rank them in order of preference
I will be randomly selected the winner of each prize next Tuesday from everyone who has expressed an interest in that prize.
To share the love where someone has already won a prize, their name will be removed from draws for prizes they have ranked as a lower preference. If they win a subsequent draw for a higher preference prize they will receive that instead and the draw for their previous win will be rerun without their name in it.

"OK, but what about the prizes?" 

Well, here they are:

4 books

and a DVD

Don't forget - you've got to be in it to win it!


  1. Hmmm?? I quite fancy Tales from the Rifle Brigade! fingers crossed!!! Cheers!

  2. oooh ... the Rick Jolly for me, I like personal accounts. I recall he was decorated by both sides.

  3. Please put me down for Phil Dunn's Sea Battle Games; I can't tell you how many times I got that out of our local library back in the early 1970s :)

  4. Phil Dunn's Sea Battles as well please! :)

  5. Tales from the Rifle Brigade would be brilliant. Rick Jolly if that one falls through. Cheers!

  6. Hi Tasmin, I would like to be entered for the draw for the Phil Dunn book, thank you.

  7. Thanks Tasmin! If your largesse can cope with postage to Australia, then I'll put my hand up for Kincaid's classic account.

  8. "If your largesse can cope with postage to Australia"

    I'm hoping for that too :)

  9. As a Navy guy I feel obligated to have an interest in Dunn's Sea Battle Games!

    Many thanks!

    PS Me 3 on the postage to Oz!

  10. Hi Tasmin, I'd like to be entered in the draw for Afrika Korps Soldier 1941-43. Thanks!

  11. Hi Tamsin.Please put me down for a stake in the Afrika Korps draw, with the Jolly book as a backup. And if I win, I'll pick it up in person at CLWG this summer.

  12. Hi Tasmin, I'd like to throw my head in for the Afrika Korps as well (I don't have a hat handy)


  13. Please count me in! That's an impressive lineup of prizes but my preference would be for Afrika Korps Soldier 1941-43.

  14. I'm game and either the Rick Jolly one or Tales from the Rifle Brigade! Thanks Tamsin.

  15. Hi Tamsin, I'd like to be considered for Tales from the Rifle Brigade, with M*A*S*H as a backup. Cheers!

  16. My word - what a lot of responses already!

    For those not in the UK, have no fear - my pockets are deep enough to pay overseas postage if you win :)

  17. Hi Tamsin.
    Nice goodies on offer. Ok, could you put me in for MASH first, and Afrika korps second?


  18. Oh go on've twisted my arm. I'll go for the Afrika Korps Soldier 1941-43 as it may encourage me to finally paint the huge pile of North African GHQ models I have sitting next to my desk...

  19. Hi Tamsin
    Could you put me down for Rick Jolly or Tales of the Rifle Brigade too? Many thanks for doing the draw.

  20. Looking good.. just stumbled onto this blog.. wouldn't mind tossing my hat in for the Rifle Brigade book.. now to go and explore the rest of your blog..

  21. Another entry for the Rifle Brigade book!



  22. Tales from the Rifle Brigade would be my 1st pick
    Sea Battle Games second.

    Thanks for the chance.

    1. May I swap those priorities? 1st-Sea Battles, 2nd-Tales from the Rifle Brigade.

      Thanks again for the wonderful gesture!

  23. Hi, I'd like to be in the draw for Phil Dunn's Sea Battle Games,


