
Thursday 2 February 2012

WIP: Sarmatian "Other Cavalry" #05

Don't you just hate it when you've made a list of the bits that still need painting on your figures and then later spot several little bits that you forgot? Well, that happened to me last night after my blog post yesterday. I'd forgotten to include trousers, boots, tunic sleeves and the fletchings on the quivers. I guess that will add another evening to the schedule.

I probably could get more done in an evening if it wasn't for the cold snap we've got here right now - it takes at least an hour after I get home before I'm warm enough to start painting.

Anyway, I got all the bits painted this evening that I had on the plan, so here are some pics:

They're coming together quite nicely :)


  1. Very nice!! a great mix of colours!!

  2. I still need to make myself trim back on the number of colours in play, but it does give a good effect of really making them look like the bunch of irregulars that they are :)

  3. Very beautiful the white horses!! What method do you use? What colors ? :-)

  4. @Alessandro - thanks. A quick run-down of how I painted them:
    Grey gesso as primer
    heavy drybrush of white craft acrylic followed by a brown ink wash
    basecoat of ivory (Vallejo 918)
    warm-grey ink wash
    lower legs given heavy drybrush of pale sand (Vallejo 837)
    manes and tails painted either with pale sand or light grey (Vallejo 990)

  5. Thank you!The grey gesso as primer is a great idea. The colors VAllejo are fantastic! Are you happy with the inks? With the ink I always feel dirty ..

  6. The ink washes I use aren't the Vallejo inks. I make up mixes using the Les Burley recipe (as used by Secret Weapon for their washes):

    The inks I use to make the mixes are mainly Magic Color, with some Daler-Rowney.
