
Wednesday 8 February 2012

WIP: Sarmatian Camp #4 and Light Foot Archers #2; I get to play with them!!!

The WIP bits:

(pics at bottom of post - you'll have to wade through all the text first!!!)

As I wanted to crack on with painting the light foot yesterday I didn't take any photos as I knew they'd be based up this evening. Besides which I'm slightly ahead on post count for this month, so skipping a day was OK.

I did finish painting the light foot last night and varnished them this morning before going to work. When I got home they received a coat of Klear/ink and when that had tried they were pinged and then glued to the bases. After letting the glue dry I added my texture gunk. I also based up the supply camp at the same time.

While the Klear/ink was drying I prepped another 24 javelin/spear infantry, quick wash and dry, stuck to painting sticks and gesso primed them. I'll probably make a start on painting them tomorrow evening.

I get to play!!!!

In an amazing flurry of organisation over the last day or so I have managed to set myself up with 3 games of FoG in the next 2 weeks. This Thursday and next Monday I have practice games lined up with Alan (Macedonians) and Jerry (mid republican Romans). then next Thursday I have my first tournament match against Gordon's Classical Indians.

I'll post AARs here, with pics if I remember to take any.

OK, Time For The Eye Candy:

Light Foot Archers:

The Supply Camp:

Once the texture gunk has dried, it will be ink-washed and dry-brushed, after which I'll add some scenic bits (clump foliage, grass tufts, a woodpile)


  1. Good luck against the MRR! I've used mine against Russ and I'm 17-3 versus the Carthaginians.

  2. Good job overall Tamsin. And when do you want us to play our game? The sooner I know, the sooner I can ask my general in chif ;P

    Oh, and I have another surprise for you. A hint: what can be moved/ removed, and the lancers won't like, especially if I'm drilled?

  3. Cheers guys.

    @Seb - hmmm, now let me think. Could it be chariots of some description? I might be up against those with all 3 of you! :)

  4. Good Luck with the games as it's what we paint for most of the time, good work on the figures as well.....

  5. Really like the camp, it's the right amount of full I think.

    I'm thinking mobile fortifications but how about caltrops?


  6. Chariots, eh... Yes but not even remotely close. two more hints:
    - fixed is better word than moved
    - you English people were renowned for using them during a certain period in our common History ;P

    Easy, now, is it not?

  7. @Seb - oooh, stakes! I must admit that my Sarmatians would much prefer steaks though ;)

    @Ian - I wasn't too sure at first about the crowded look, but it definitely does look good. I particularly like the guy walking off with a sack of loot

  8. Looking good! Nice to see another user of shiny varnish too.

  9. Only shiny for now - They'll receive a matt coat once the weather warms up enough for me to open windows long enough to do spraying :)
