
Wednesday 31 May 2023

Wednesday Workbench 31 May 2023 (aka 27 Days Later)

 Oh dear. It seems that I dropped away from posting for much longer than I should have done. Sorry about that.

I haven't picked up a paint brush since finishing that pair of Fatties, as I've been doing a lot of test printing for Kathy Millatt's kickstarter campaign. I've also been doing a lot of design work for the Peach Trees terrain. I think I've now got the atrium walkways as good as I can get them now - I just need to adjust the positioning of the OpenLock clip holes and make some minor changes to the corner pillars. I've also test-printed enough sections to do three levels of one side:

I noticed that without the apartments behind them, the walkways sagged a bit so I quickly designed some support columns to hold them for these photos. As it is 1m (40 inches, actually) wide I found that the only space where I could actually take the photos was on my kitchen floor, so the lighting isn't as good as it could be.

A lot of research (and trial and error) has gone into these - finding images online, realising that there aren't as many showing what I need as I'd like and then capturing screen-shots from the film to get more images.

For the atrium corner sections, I think I might make sense to do them as 8" x 8" tiles (8" x 9" for the ones where the parapet sticks out beyond the pillar).

The next stage of this project will be to design the apartments, shops and other bits that are needed. The first stage of that will be to create the repeated elements like wall lights, entry-phones and such.

Thursday 4 May 2023

Finished: Fatties At War

 And that's another two figures for Block Wars painted. OK, so that's 5 out of 17 from the first wave, which means I'm a long way behind schedule. At least now that I'm out of my rut, the rest should follow on quickly.

Fats Hambo

Every fat camp has a Fats Hambo, to one degree or another. 

A militant campaigner for fat rights, they are true believers in the Grud-given gift of as much food for every fattie as they can stomach.

Using (and bending) the laws for arming Citi-Def units, they have managed to get their hands on powerful weaponry and just enough training to be dangerous when enraged.

Fattie Battering Ram

When a block war comes, Fatties can really pull their not inconsiderable weight.

Improvised armour will be strapped to their considerable bulk and then they will be pushed at fuill speed towards the enemy to be used as a living battering ram.

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Wednesday Workbench 03 May


I seem to be coming out of my painting rut! I managed to get the highlighting and metal details done on the two models I first started painting (checks back - errmmm, crap - errmm - surely not that long?) four weeks ago. 

Tomorrow I'll give them a light gloss coat, black-lining wash and then varnish and base them.

It's just as well that I'm coming out of that painting rut as this arrived yesterday:

What's that? You don't seriously think I'm planning to paint a cardboard box, do you? I mean, I know I've done some daft painting projects, but that would just be too silly. No, no, no - it's the contents of the box which will be joining the painting queue.

Lots of goodies!

Everything apart from the freebie sample sprue

That's a hefty chunk of resin to clean up and paint.

Yes, my "Block wars" wave 2 pre-order has been delivered. With the CitiDef packs, I'm going to have to try to remember the paint scheme I did for the original packs.