
Saturday 25 February 2023

AHPC XIII - 11th Submission

While I'm working on painting up the Type S Scout, I'm taking breaks to paint up the odd piece. This week, I had two pieces submitted in one post, covering one studio and another ride in the limo.

Lady Sarah's Limousine - Agent Lake

This would have been a very simple paintjob, but I decided to try something different - highlighting the purple of the dress more towards the red spectrum (I usually go the other way, towards blue).

Superheroes Studio - Judge Dredd Bust

This was the 75% scale 3D print I printed several months ago. It was fun to paint.

Full post here

Current status of my studio tour:

There are just three studios that I haven't visited yet - I've got figures ready to go for two of them and will have to root around to see what I've got that I can use for the third.

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Wednesday Workbench 22 February 2023


Since last Wednesday, I've mostly been painting up the removable interior pieces for the Type S Scout ship: 

I've got one more board of them to do:

Once all of them are done, I'll be able to move onto doing the interiors of the hull pieces, then when those are done I can paint the exterior.

However, I decided to take today and tomorrow off from that work to paint some entries for this week. I've got one figure done today, and now I've made a start on painting this bust:

Since taking that photo I have actually got most of the initial layers done - just the zip, chain, lower edge of the visor and the pedestal to go. Tomorrow I'll be doing those and then shading and highlighting the various bits. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get the varnishing done as well, but that might end up being done on Friday.

Saturday 18 February 2023

AHPC XIII - 10th Submission


For my tenth submission I painted up three Judge Dredd figures from Warlord Games - the Wally Squad pack. Between them, they gave me two studios and a ride in Lady Sarah's Limousine.

Full post here

For those who aren't readers of 2000AD, the Wally Squad are the Judges of the Undercover Division, and they receive a dispensation to break various Judicial Conduct rules to enable them to fit in and do their jobs.

Books Studio - Dirty Frank

Lady Sarah's Limousine - Aimee Nixon

The Casting Couch - Jack Point, The Simping Detective

I'd originally primed these figures ready for last year's Challenge but was put off painting them because of an issue with the sculpts - for some reason, they'd been done with quite deep seam lines on Frank's sleeves, Aimee's stocking and Jack's trousers (not to mention the solid "emoji" disc on his shirt); presumably that was done to make it a little easier for people using contrast paints (or equivalent from other companies). I recently discovered a trick for dealing with them - the gaps can be filled with Mod Podge. A couple of applications later and a re-prime, they were much better.

Current state of my studio tour:

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Wednesday Workbench 15 February 2023


Over the past couple of days I've been painting a few figures for my Friday submission - they're finished and the post is waiting in the queue to be dealt with. 

Today saw me begin work on some of the interior pieces for the Type S Scout. I decided to start with the partitions and bulkheads, which all received their main colour by airbrush. As one was the upper engineering section which combined the walls and floor in one piece, I decided to do all the engineering floors - the floors and doors of the different sections will all be in different colours (engineering = red, crew accommodations = green; bridge = blue; other areas = blue-grey).

This evening I've done a test piece, using one of the cabin partitions. I'm not happy with that green, and I'm not keen on the copper band on the walls; I think I'll use a different green and do the band in that colour as well. I suspect that the blue I was going to use will have the same problem

Saturday 11 February 2023

AHPC XIII - 9th Submission


My 9th entry in this year's Challenge was this crate, which I had painted up in the style of Piet Mondrian for the "Arthouse" studio. The crate itself is a 3D print scaled up to 200% of the original size - it measures 2" x 42 x 2". As it counts as terrain, it only scored 1.5 points - fortunately the 20 bonus points for the studio made up for that.

Full post here

This entry also meant that I had completed the four Blue Zone studios I needed to enter the Director's Chair studio, where Curt will set me some fiendish task...

Thursday 9 February 2023

Wednesday Workbench 08 February 2023


Well, it might be Thursday now in the UK, but it's still Wednesday in places West of here! The reason for posting so late is that my laptop decided to throw a wobbly and stop responding earlier this evening. It was fine when I popped to the kitchen to start cooking my dinner, but when I returned a few minutes later the screen was black with a message "No Bootable Device Found". After several unfruitful attempts to restart it, I gave up and dragged my old laptop out of storage, then spent a few hours getting it up and running (mostly transferring files from my backup drive) so that I can at least communicate and do things until either my current laptop is fixed or I have a replacement - I'll be taking a trip to Currys PC World tomorrow for that.

So, what's on the workbench? As you might be able to guess, I have finally got around to priming the Type S Scout Courier. It's taken me four days so far and I've probably got one more day to go.

Why am I priming it now? Quite simply because the item I painted over the weekend (and which will be up on the Challenge blog on Friday) completes my tour of the studios and will give me entry to the Director's Chair studio - I've already agreed with Curt that my task will be to get this fully painted.

Sunday 5 February 2023

AHPC XIII - 7th and 8th Submissions

 I decided to split my submissions over two posts this week.

Entry #7 - 15mm Gallic Cavalry

These are the ones that I didn't have time to do last week, so got carried over for submission this week.

Entry #8 - '80s Drow

For the "Fantasy" studio, I decided to paint up some early 1980s (pre-slotta) Citadel Drow. They'd been sitting unpainted in my collection for about 40 years, so it was about time they got some love.

I've got one more studio to do before plonking myself down in the Director's Chair and being given a fiendish task by the Show Lord; I suspect that task will be to crack on and paint the 28mm Type S scout Courier which was meant to be my main focus for this year's Challenge. As that job will take me several weeks, I will paint up a few odd figures each week, if only to have something to post.

Wednesday 1 February 2023

Wednesday Workbench 01 February 2023


The Gallic cavalry are almost done, with just a quick drybrush and adding static grass left to finish the basing - a job for tomorrow morning.

While waiting for the basing steps to dry, I've made a start on a trio of figures for the Fantasy studio:

I've got the base colours down on all of them and will be finishing them off tomorrow.