
Sunday 29 January 2023

AHPC XIII - 6th Submission


This week saw my 6th submission for AHPC XIII, a bunch of 15mm cavalry for my Early Imperial Roman army. 

Full post here

These were submitted for the "Swords & Sandals" studio.

Numidian light cavalry:

Roman Auxiliary cavalry:

The next studio will be "Fantasy" - I have some figures primed and ready for that, but I will do the Gallic cavalry first.

Wednesday 25 January 2023

Wednesday Workbench 25 January 2023


I've reached the slow-point with this batch of figures - basing. At least I only have the drybrushing and static grass left to do, so they will be finished tomorrow. 

You may be thinking "there aren't as many cavalry figures in that photo as you showed last week", and you'd be right. Given the time that basing was going to take (mostly due to slower drying at this time of year), I realised after finishing the Romans that I wouldn't be able to get the Gallic cavalry done in time. Their horses are finished, so it's just the riders that need painting, so they will be submitted next week.

I've also primed a few figures for the next studio visit, but I'm unlikely to get any of them painted in time to submit this week.

Saturday 21 January 2023

AHPC XIII - 4th and 5th Submissions

 I didn't get quite as far as I'd hoped to this week, but still managed to get two entries submitted. Only three figures, but next week should see a much bigger points grab.

Entry # 4 - Ralph & Rosie

This pair of bold adventurers are from Artizan's Thrilling Tales range, and were submitted for the "High Adventure" studio, completing the four studios I needed to visit to move onto the Blue zone.

Full post here

Entry #5 - Rebecca Cameron

This is another Thrilling Tales figure which I submitted for the Westerns studio, my first in the Blue zone.

Full post here

The next studio in the Blue zone is "Swords & Sandals" - I should have the figures done for that this week - rather a lot of 15mm cavalry. If all goes well, I might also have an entry in for the studio after that - Fantasy.

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Wednesday Workbench 18 January 2023


I've finished painting a handful of figures for the next two studio locations I'm visiting (High Adventure and  Westerns) - no progress pics on those. I've started work on a load of 15mm cavalry - these were prepped and primed for last year's Challenge, but I didn't have time for them then and never got round to painting them until now.

The first two strips are some Numidian cavalry which I'll be submitting for the "Swords & Sandals" studio; the next 16 figures are some more Roman cavalry and the final 16 are Gallic cavalry. These are all for my Early Imperial Roman army. They could all be submitted for "Swords & Sandals", but I can only finish a few in time for submission on friday, so I'm going to focus on the Numidians; the Roman and Gallic cavalry will get submitted next week as a non-studio entry.

Saturday 14 January 2023

AHPC XIII - First 3 Submissions

 First of all, apologies for the lack of posts recently. I was ill over Christmas up until New Year and it had left me wiped out. For about a week afterwards I was recuperating and catching up on all the stuff I hadn't been able to do while ill.

I managed to get back to painting just over a week ago, but not in time to get a submission in last Friday.

The start of my illness wasn't too bad. Bad enough to stop me travelling to Sussex for Christmas, but not bad enough to prevent me from finishing my first entry.

Entry #1 - Klegg Hai!

I had fun painting this trio of alien mercenaries for Judge Dredd games. You can find the full post here. Having decided to participate in this year's Challenge Map frolics, these were my submission for the SciFi studio.

Entry #2 Judge Dredd Bust

For the next studio on the map, Black & White, I decided to paint up this bust of Old Stony Face. The full post is here.

This was the 50% scale bust - I still have the 75% and 25% ones which have been primed.

Entry #3 German AFVs

The next studio to hit was "Under Construction". Normally for the Challenge you can't submit any figures or models that have been started (ie more than just priming) before it begins. This studio does allow you to submit work which had been started beforehand but you don't get points for those models/figures, just the studio bonus points. You might remember that I hit a bit of a block with these three vehicles back in August - this studio was the perfect excuse to break through that block. I did get a few extra points though as I also painted the commander for the StuG and the loader for the 37mm in the 251/10. I submitted this entry in the same post as the Dredd bust.

I've started work on figures for my next two studio visits - High Adventure and Westerns. If all goes well, I should have a bigger entry for the "Swords & Sandals" studio as well next Friday.