
Wednesday 29 December 2021

Wednesday Workbench 29 December


Whilst I have been back home for a few days, I haven't done any painting. When I headed off for family Christmas, I had started on a Japanese tank. With the arrival of the extras I'd ordered from Warlord, there was now a second tank. I decided that when I got back home I would prep the second tank, prime it and then do the same camo steps as with the first one. Then I would do the remaining steps on both of them at the same time.

I've also prepped the Warlord figure additions:

They are going to be sending out the FOO pack and have told me to keep the Sniper & Flamethrower Teams pack that they'd sent by mistake.

Just before I left last week, my Eureka order arrived. I've started prepping them and should finish that tomorrow:

I should have all the prep and assembly done tomorrow, then I should be able to get priming done on Friday. After that, it will be back to painting the tanks.

Wednesday 22 December 2021

Wednesday Workbench 22 December; Podcast; AHPC XII 1st Entry


Not much on the workbench right now - just one little tank that I've made a start on. If all goes well, I'll be finishing that next week once I get back home from Christmas with family.

I placed a couple of orders last week for the remaining bits I need for my WW2 Japanese. The first of those arrived today:

It was only after taking the photo that I spotted there had been a picking error - they'd sent me a Sniper & Flamethrower teams pack instead of a Forward Observer team. I've emailed them about that.


We recorded another episode of the podcast two weeks ago and it was released last week, but I kept forgetting to post the link here. So here it is:

AHPC XII 1st Entry

Yesterday was day one of this year's Challenge and, as is my wont, I got a small entry submitted.

Three dogs painted as identically as possible, using photos sent by Curt to get the markings "right"(ish). These are one of his dogs, Oscar, whose brother Felix was painted by Curt last year. I've only claimed for two of them - the third will be included for scoring as part of another submission, but it made sense to paint them all at the same time.

Anyway, here's the link to the post: linky-link

Which just leaves me to wish you all a very merry Christmas!

Wednesday 15 December 2021

Wednesday Workbench 15 December


As you can see, I'm currently in the middle of priming the rest of the figures that I've prepped. I've got about half of the Japanese left t prime black; I'll then do zenithal highlighting on the whole lot.

Barbarian artillery, cat merchants, some Japanese

More Japanese

The remaining Japanese

I also had some British Airborne prepped:

They've been primed, but I forgot to take photos of them before putting them in a drawer.

I should have everything done before the Challenge kicks off in the wee small hours of Tuesday morning (OK, 6am here in the UK).

Wednesday 8 December 2021

Wednesday Workbench 08 December

 As you can see, I'm still in figure prep mode. I'm very nearly done - unless I decide to prep the figures from the Dangerous Dames Kickstarter. I probably will, as I don't have any pulp figures in my painting queue at the moment.

So, what's been prepped?

15mm Mongols and Georgians/Armenians:

28mm TAG WW2 Japanese:

A quick pic of all the Japanese:

28mm Feline Merchants from Bad Squiddo Games:

28mm Barbarian Artillery:

28mm Papuan Porters from Eureka:

I'll leave it at that so that I can publish this post while it is still Wednesday!

Saturday 4 December 2021

Paint Table Saturday 04 December


Figure prep is going well. In the photo above you can see the figures I've got done since Wednesday, and some that I'm still working on.

Eureka 28mm Japanese:

I just need one more riflemen from them to have a full Eureka squad. The chap on the hex base will be the platoon sergeant; the one on the square base will be the squad corporal. I do need to order a few more figures from Eureka anyway, so adding a single rifleman won't be an issue.

15mm Mongols and Georgians/Armenians:

The top 2 rows are a mix of "knights" to use as Georgian/Armenian heavy cavalry. the rest are Mongol medium cavalry as I need to beef up that part of my army.

TAG 28mm Japanese:

I've started the prep on these and should get them finished tomorrow if there is good daylight.

As the daylight wasn't very good yesterday, I did some priming instead:

That's the ancient Germans done. I've checked and I don't need to order any more as I have enough here to fill out my heavy infantry needs and add a few bases of medium infantry as well.

I ran out of the red-brown primer on the very last figure - I've placed an order for some more.

I also glued the Warlord 28mm Japanese onto bases:

That's it for today. Hopefully I should get all the figure prep done by Wednesday and the priming done by the weekend. For the 28mm Japanese, I'll need to add basing gunk before priming though - that's a job I can do on days when the light isn't good enough for prepping.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

Wednesday Workbench 01 December


Figure prep continues, now that my boiler is repaired and there is some decent daylight (I find it easier to do figure prep in natural daylight than artificial). 

Ancient Germans:

I think I might need to order a couple more packs to replace the figures that suffered broken swords and spears during shipping and prep.

Some 28mm stuff:

The top row are Japanese infantry from Warlord Games; the rest are rioters/demonstrators from Offensive Miniatures.

I've still got all of these to prep:

Hopefully ~I'll get all of these prepped and primed before the Challenge starts.